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Thread: I got robbed...

  1. #11
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    Whew! Kudos to the bank. I'm glad everything seems to have worked out well. Thanks for the warning.

  2. #12
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    Good to hear that your bank caught it and will not hold you responsible for the charges. Like someone else said, make sure you check your credit report... go to https://www.annualcreditreport.com/ and request all 3 credit reports for free. Go over it carefully, and anything, and I mean anything that looks suspicious, check in to it. I'd check your report in another 4-6 months as well (unfortunately the 2nd check will not be free).
    Another thing, do you shred anything that has personal information (such as name, address, phone, ect) before tossing it in the trash? I would recommend getting a crosscut shredder, not one that does strips. Crosscut shredders are much harder (some are as near impossible as you can get) to reassemble. I shred everything that has my info on it...but especially credit card applications. I may be slightly paranoid about it, but as many people that I know who have had this problem, it's justified I think.
    Do you buy online a lot? I have since 1999, and thankfully have not had a problem, but another thing you can do is make sure you have a good web security program on your computer, such as norton's or mcafee's and run it on a regular basis to make sure your computer doesn't have any viruses or keylogging trojans (not sure if this is the right terminology, but you get the point) on your computer. Also, most reputable online shops will be secure when you have to add your credit card information...look at the lower right side of your browser for a padlock for IE browsers (I don't remember what it is with netscape) and https instead of http in the web address.


  3. #13
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    When we went to Europe, We visited the bank to tell them we were going on vacation. We used the card several times without problem. When we returned home very early, I called the bank to tell them we were home, and they had no notes that we had vacationed in Europe. I had a chat with the manager. I am now changing banks.

  4. #14
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    I remember now that when we have gone to Montreal and Toronto in the past I've called home to check the answering machine and there are calls from the bank to check on our use of the cards...I've called them back and assured them that it was legit and we were actually in Canada. After this, I will definitely honor their businesslike vigilance and let them know in advance if I'm going anywhere.



  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorcha Griannon View Post
    Like someone else said, make sure you check your credit report... go to https://www.annualcreditreport.com/ and request all 3 credit reports for free. Go over it carefully, and anything, and I mean anything that looks suspicious, check in to it. I'd check your report in another 4-6 months as well (unfortunately the 2nd check will not be free).
    Good advice, but you can spread out the reports from the 3 companies over the entire year (Experian in Jan, TransUnion in May, Equifax in September for example) and they would all be free. Then you can start the same cycle again the next year and you will always have a recent, and FREE, report to check.

    Last edited by JBfromBS; 27th February 07 at 10:22 AM.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBfromBS View Post
    Good advice, but you can spread out the reports from the 3 companies over the entire year (Experian in Jan, TransUnion in May, Equifax in September for example) and they would all be free. Then you can start the same cycle again the next year and you will always have a recent, and FREE, report to check.

    Very true...but I have noticed that the information can be different from each of the companies. As an example, I bought my first car in 2000, paid on it perfectly, but when I went to get a new car in 2003, the finance company looked only at the Transunion report, which did not show I had bought a car previously. The other 2 did, but since I looked like I new, first time buyer, I am spending more on interest than I would otherwise. I also have noticed that one report may show no deliquents, but another shows my 2 deliquents from 4 years ago.
    The point being, just because it's not on one report, that doesn't mean that it is not on another.


  7. #17
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    Similar deal happened to me a couple years ago. The bad guys hit about 50 of us according to the credit card security.

    Hard part was that they called just as I was leaving for a trip and I needed that credit card active. Too late, they'd already shut it down.

    They did express mail a replacement to my destination address, but I still had to make some convoluted arrangements to cover air fare and car rental until I got the new card.

    Its not always the big stuff either. Twice have caught someone charging me $15 for a month's Internet fees with a provider on the opposite side of the U.S. of A.

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  8. #18
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    Sounds like the bank's security system did a good job protecting. After checking your credit report, maybe send them a nice thank you letter.

  9. #19
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    Credit Card Fraud

    Auld Argonian,

    Everyone is likely to have a different opinion on this subject, and many are likely to have passionate opinions. Despite the feeling that you were personally attacked, I urge you to be dispassionate about the whole affair and look at it as logically as possible. You needn't let the thief's influence extend any further than the one instance of theft (3 withdrawals) from one account that was quickly stopped.

    My family has also been the victim of credit card fraud. In our experience, the following is true:

    1) Many cases of credit card theft are executed by merchant's employees. They are often acting as the credit card issuer's agent in a valid sale just prior to the theft.

    2) Credit card companies charge customers enough in fees to absorb 100% of losses and still retain their place as one of the most profitable businesses in the entire world.

    3) You'll find it very difficult to operate in today's economy without credit cards.

    4) Credit card companies have some of the most sophisticated security protocols in the world - as you found out by their prompt detection of the theft from your account.

    5) Telling someone who doesn't need to know that you are going on vacation is a good way to get your house burglarized. Let the credit card company's security algorithms do their work (but certainly respond to inquiries from the credit card company).

    In summary, protect your personal data, but don't be paranoid about it or let it restrict your freedom to operate in today's economy. Use of a credit card in compliance with the user agreement is a very low-risk activity for the consumer.


  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abax View Post
    Auld Argonian,
    In summary, protect your personal data, but don't be paranoid about it or let it restrict your freedom to operate in today's economy. Use of a credit card in compliance with the user agreement is a very low-risk activity for the consumer.
    Great advice. It is IMPOSSIBLE to be 100% in anything. The credit card banks are exceptional in their security measures, but there are some very determined individuals out there. The banks do their best because if they didn't, a lot of people would have incidents and they would lose business. Keep a close eye on your finances, but go on with life.

    One thing I do is frequently look at my credit accounts online and review all the transactions that hit.

    I haven't had any problems, but my brother had an incident where someone was attempting a charge in Moscow. Now my brother has never been anywhere near Moscow, but the bank caught it.

    Having a card closed and replaced is a pain and a hassle, but it's one of the realities of the world today. And it's certainly better than having thousands of dollars charged to your name.
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