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  1. #1
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    So I'm talking to my little girl today . . .

    Aight, here's the drift.

    Today I free myself up so that the good wife can go pick up Eldest Daughter (the Amazing Miss Masha) from school and then off to the grocer's.

    They come home, and all seems well, but the good wife had been pestered magnificently by the Amazing Miss Masha. There was this she wanted at the store, there was that, and there was the other thing, and Momma wasn't buying any of it.

    So I sit her down, the Amazing Miss Masha (7 years old, bilingual in English and Russian, among other amazing feats) and I says to her that she must be aware of HOW VERY WELL WE LIVE. Now, we're not kings or princes here, nor queens nor princesses. But when we turn the lights on, the lights come on, when we flush, it flushes, when we want meat, we eat meat, we have our fingers and our toes and our teeth and our eyes.

    So I start talking to her about conscience and the "sense of ought" and she looks at me and says, "So when the debbil whispers in your ear and says it's okay to be mean to people, the voice in your other ear is G-d?"

    (And yes she said debbil, and yes I type G-d.)

    Boys, gents, ladies, gentlemen, rabble of all sorts: that's what it's all about. There's no kilt in this except the USAK casual (Farquharson) I was wearing. I have scant else to add, save that I love my daughter. Maybe there's something better than that, but I doubt it.

    How did this wondrous thing appear?

  2. #2
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    PS---no, I'm not looking for a "birds and the bees" explanation!

  3. #3
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    Very cool story! Kids are an incredible gift and provide awsome insight.
    "A veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life." That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it." anon

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splash_4 View Post
    Very cool story! Kids are an incredible gift and provide awsome insight.
    I agree, they say the most amazing things. Not too long ago my four year old daughter and I were walking outside and she turned to me and looked up at me with her with her big blue eyes and said "Daddy it's a nice world and I like living it". I got all choked up. If only we adults could keep that capacity for discovery, wonder, and joy.

    Thanks for sharing the story K C!


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    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

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  5. #5
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    They can say the greatest things. We brought my 2 1/2 year old grandson to Mass on Sunday. He was looking around and pointing out the candles and asking about baby Jesus. Then he saw the big Crucifix that was hanging from the ceiling above the altar and pointed and said "airplane". He loves airplanes and trains but we had to try to explain Jesus on a cross to a 2 year old. He also gave us the 20 questions about communion. Where we going? What you doing? Why are we here? They do say some of the greatest things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Cossack View Post
    How did this wondrous thing appear?
    Kid Cossack,

    Ours is due July 8th and I'm unashamedly proud of it, not to mention unexpectedly anxious and happy all at the same time. I look forward to the days when I can share the same perfectly beautiful times with my own daughter.

    Thanks, Kid Cossack...this one brought a tear to my eye.




    I'm looking forward to hearing the very same questions...I just hope I have the right answers.

  7. #7
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    Kids, they get to you sometimes, don't they.?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by David Dalglish View Post
    Kids, they get to you sometimes, don't they.?

    David, if they don't get to me every day, I'm doing something wrong!

  9. #9
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    Sometimes it takes a story like that to remind us adults that we don't have a monopoly on intelligence.


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