Nice to see that the weather can be nice in the Fall, as my wife & I will be there in early October this year.
If I remember correctly, Urquhart Castle was the site of a special I saw on PBS where they built a replica of a section of the castle walls & then tested 2 different variations of Trebuchet catapults to see how accurate & destructive these cumbersome siege engines were. They found that they could be quite accurate & absolutely devestating to any medieval fortifications. It seems to be rebroadcast from time-to-time; & on the day they test the Trebuchets, the Scottish workmen all don their kilts. Recommended viewing.
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society