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  1. #1
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    I need you advice on 1st belt color

    I would like to get all of your advice on which color belt (and sporran) I should obtain for my 1st kilt belt. I am going to order a belt from Cavscout.

    I have a SWK Irish National. I will probably wear it in a casual style with boots most frequently.

    Part of my indecision stems from the fact that black boots and shoes seem more readily available than brown. In addition the brown varies from leather to leather and may be hard to match.

  2. #2
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    Take a look at this blog entry by none other than Matt Newsome on the very subject of black vs. brown. It isn't so much a question of color for the belt as much as it a question of the style of the belt.

    Hope this is of help (it is the second entry on the bottom of the page)



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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post

    Take a look at this blog entry by none other than Matt Newsome on the very subject of black vs. brown. It isn't so much a question of color for the belt as much as it a question of the style of the belt.

    Hope this is of help (it is the second entry on the bottom of the page)




    I really value Matt's opinions on these matters. I suppose it's time to purchase a more casual black belt. The black belt I own is of the rectangle buckle type he mentions in the blog.

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    For my first, I was WAY out there (in terms of tradition) and selected cordovan. I wanted something that could "do" casual or a bit dressier (although not formal). You have to go custom, of course, but I'm really happy with it. My next purchase was brown.

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    I'd say go black first. Black can be dressed up or down.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly View Post
    If people don't like it they can go sit on a thistle.

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    just read what Matt Newsome had to say about putting on your kilt,
    i had not realized just how involved just putting on a kilt could be.
    now I'm a bit concerned.
    as I've said in another post, i only have the use of one arm because of a Motorcycle crash i was in back in 1988.
    so now I'm wondering if I'll actually be able to put a kilt on by myself;
    uh... single handed so to speak.

    anyone have any thoughts on this?

    or might this just be another one of those things I'll just have to work out for myself.

    for example:
    tie your shoes with only one hand,
    wash your right under arm with out using your left arm,
    try making a sandwich with one hand,
    if it's anything other than PB&J try eating a sandwich with one hand!

    it's amazing just how integrated the functioning of your 2 hands really are.

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    I'd say Brown just to be different, although Black is easier to find and match.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoobradley View Post
    I really value Matt's opinions on these matters. I suppose it's time to purchase a more casual black belt. The black belt I own is of the rectangle buckle type he mentions in the blog.


    I try to go with my simpler brown belt for daywear, but frankly I have a fancy celtic knot rectangular belt buckle on a very plain black belt that I use also. I believe you don't have to follow all the fashion rules all the time, but one should know when you are breaking them. So that it is a deliberate in formed choice instead of just not knowing them.


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    Here's a odd fashion philosophical thought.

    I just re-read Matt's blog entry about belts and was struck by this passage:

    I would avoid what is marketed as the standard kilt belt (black leather kilt belt with a separate rectangular buckle, usually nickel plated). This is the style seen most often worn with the kilt... You'll find that this is the most common style of belt seen at Highland Games, worn even with very casual wear. I've seen this style of belt worn frequently with t-shirts and other ultra-casual wear. So if this is the only belt you have, you won't be out of place wearing it to the Highland Games or other Scottish festival...

    Here is my thought process

    (1)These rectangular buckled formal belts have been sold mistakenly as standard kilt belts.

    (2) A great many occassional kilt wearers wear these as day wear and informally.

    (3) Therefore doesn't this meana that this is a legitimate fashion?

    Hear me out folks!

    The origins are from a wrong take on the original fashion. But none the less if they are being sold and worn in this new way doesn't that make it an acceptable fashion?

    I'm not arguing with Matt (Heaven forbid!)

    I was just thinking about how fashion trends and how this may be the evolution of one.


    Last edited by Panache; 12th March 07 at 09:29 PM.
    -See it there, a white plume
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Here's a odd fashion philosophical thought.

    The origins are from a wrong take on the original fashion. But none the less if they are being sold and worn in this new way doesn't that make it an acceptable fashion?



    Hmmm... of course you're right. Just as with anything that has come into common acceptance through the years - like foul language in public, sex and violence on television, bad manners in schools, answering cell phones in restaurants, wearing white after Labor Day, yada, yada, yada. Anything that is wide-spread is by definition acceptable in society, even if it is not acceptable to a portion of that society.

    We can decide to accept and embrace it, or shudder and revile it - or even ignore it. But in any case, it's done and here to stay.

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