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  1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panache View Post
    Robertson's complaint was of rudeness and insult given to one of his friends and guests at Ferintosh. He seeks an apology for this. I see it little profits us to show equal rudeness by being insulting the employee.
    I'm not insulting him but suggesting that the issue is not pressed to hard. He is probably quite frustrated seeing day in and day out tourists with smiles on their faces and money in their pockets. One might argue that he's got the wrong job but frankly for school leavers there are not many jobs and I suspect his chances at McDonald's to ask the question "Sir, do you want ketchup or mayo with your chips?" ran out some years ago. It clearly irks him that a foreigner owns a guest house. That the owner is flamboyant and confident enough to dash about in (expensive) highland garb is just more kerosene into the flames.
    Kilts or for that matter any traditional British clothing is considered somewhat extravagant or at least eccentric or quirky in much of Scotland and Ireland. Society, however, is diverse and tolerant of eccentrics (much more than large parts of the United States).
    Most young people wear trainers and poor Chinese made popular fashion as seen on MTV. Dressing up for girls means often a large heaping of cheap decorative cosmetics and flabby belly free "club gear" while the boys don football or gansta gear and enough alcohol in their blood to disinfect an average sized hospital ward--- not that the girls drink much less.

  2. #72
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    (well... in part... we will soon see… and a step in the right direction in any case....)

    last night... just as we were about to get into our taxi to go to Emma's birthday dinner...

    I got a phone call from a very polite sounding English woman named Delia Holland of VisitScotland...(head of the Dumfries office)

    A malevolent bit of me wanted to tell her that this was a bad time and to phone me in the morning... but I thought I'd better hear what she had to say....

    (I may have missed a bit of the conversation... because I had the phone diverted to my mobile phone... and I was getting in a taxi... riding across town.. getting out of the taxi and paying the driver... while this conversation went on....)

    She said she had heard from Elaine Murray MSP...

    and... that the very day my letter of complaint was received it was acted upon... Mr. Matthews was 'spoken to'... according to Ms. Holland- he was very upset and had not intended any harm... he was joking, she said.... it was not like him to be insulting, she said…

    she also said that an apology letter was drafted by her staff... (around March 1) and given to her... she made a few changes to the letter... and gave it back to her staff to be finalized... a few days later (around March 5)... it came back to her to be signed... she said she did not want the staff to use the electronic signature and that she wanted to sign it herself... then somehow it got misplaced by her... she took full responsibility for the letter not being sent...

    she apologized to me for Mr. Matthews comments, for VisitScotland giving a negative impression to me (and Dee, Hamish, Derek), and also for not sending the apology letter to me.... she also asked if she should still send me the letter… I said yes. I expect I will receive it today… or at the latest tomorrow… I will update on this thread when I do receive it….

    She asked if she should send copies to Dee, Derek, and Hamish… I said no… that I am in email contact and will keep them posted…. I did not mention that Derek had called her office and could not get a hold of her…

    She said she hoped to meet me some day… I said she would… I said that I often am in the Dumfries VisitScotland office and will continue to use their literature for our guests to find things to see in the area…. I said that I was sure that I would run into her at some point….

    I thanked her for the apology and the phone call… I told her I was actually more upset about “being ignored” after I sent the letter of complaint than I was about the comments Mr. Matthews made…

    She apologized again for the letter not being sent and said that the phone call from Elaine Murray MSP was the catalyst to get her to realize this matter was unfinished….

    She was very polite and apologetic throughout the phone call and we ended it by both saying thank you…. and I said I was looking forward to receiving the letter.

    And I am looking forward to reading the letter… I hope it is exactly what I asked for…
    “I expect a written apology from both Mr. Matthews and the VisitScotland Dumfries & Galloway Network Office for these malicious and hurtful statements. The apology needs to be address to me personally and also to Mr. Bicknell, Mr. Gibbs, and Mr. Kellett.”
    if it is not… I will follow up with Ms Holland…


  3. #73
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    thank you
    sooooo much
    kilted rabble!

    I am certain
    that it was through
    all of our collective protestation
    that the written apology is forthcoming….

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. #74
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    Well Hurrah!

    And thanks to Elaine Murray MSP for being the catalyst!

    Mair pooer tae her elbow!
    [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="1"]Reverend Earl Trefor the Sublunary of Kesslington under Ox, Venerable Lord Trefor the Unhyphenated of Much Bottom, Sir Trefor the Corpulent of Leighton in the Bucket, Viscount Mcclef the Portable of Kirkby Overblow.

    Cymru, Yr Alban, Iwerddon, Cernyw, Ynys Manau a Lydaw am byth! Yng Nghiltiau Ynghyd!
    (Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Brittany forever - united in the Kilts!)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

  5. #75
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    Some of you guys are more trusting then I. I expect this guy has been bad-mouthing Robertson all along and has probably cost him business. I also don't buy, for a minute, that he was "joking."

    I further wonder if Robertson would have gotten a response, at all, if you guys (and, more importantly, the MSP) had not gotten involved.

    In any event, good show, everyone.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  6. #76
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    Great! Whether he was joking or not, he will definitely think twice before saying something like that again (at least without knowing who is in the room).

    It would be a nice gesture for those who contacted Ms. Holland to follow up with a thank you note for her quick attention. Too often people only hear about the things that are wrong (especially government officials) that it would be good to encourage them when they've done well.

  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by cavscout View Post
    Great! Whether he was joking or not, he will definitely think twice before saying something like that again (at least without knowing who is in the room).

    It would be a nice gesture for those who contacted Ms. Holland to follow up with a thank you note for her quick attention. Too often people only hear about the things that are wrong (especially government officials) that it would be good to encourage them when they've done well.
    I have just come off the phone (30 minutes)with Ms Holland and I think this will have a happy ending


    PS I also gave her this web site address

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by cavscout View Post
    Great! Whether he was joking or not, he will definitely think twice before saying something like that again (at least without knowing who is in the room).

    It would be a nice gesture for those who contacted Ms. Holland to follow up with a thank you note for her quick attention. Too often people only hear about the things that are wrong (especially government officials) that it would be good to encourage them when they've done well.
    good point!

    I already sent a thank you email to Elaine Murray MSP...

    two, actually, one yesterday when she said she would look into it... (thanking her for her prompt attention)

    and one today... (thanking her for phoning Ms. Holland)...

  9. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post
    Some of you guys are more trusting then I. I expect this guy has been bad-mouthing Robertson all along and has probably cost him business. I also don't buy, for a minute, that he was "joking."

    I further wonder if Robertson would have gotten a response, at all, if you guys (and, more importantly, the MSP) had not gotten involved.

    In any event, good show, everyone.
    sadly... I do not think I can argue against any of what you have said.

  10. #80
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    I am very glad this issue has been (potentially) resolved to our satisfaction. I hate to see ANYONE be soured to Scotland. It really is a magnificant country and everyone should be able to enjoy it.

    On a slightly more "skeptical note", I too think that the gentleman in question did some pretty big "backpeddling" when he was confronted with his remarks by his superiors... "I was just kidding" sounds like a pretty "off the cuff, oh shoot, I've been caught, what should I say now, quick" response to me.

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