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  1. #1
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    I Love St. Patrick's Day, but...

    ...some thing annoy me a bit.

    1) Shamrock beads, plastic green hats, and "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" pins.
    Seriously, if I wanted Mardi Gras, I'd move to New Orleans. Keep the cheap Chinese sweat-shop crap away from my holiday.

    2) Green beer.
    Just because you dyed your Budweiser green does not make it Irish. God obviously wanted beer to be black. How else do you explain Guinness?

    3) Fake Irish accents.
    Irish people do not talk like the Lucky Charms leprechaun. You just sound like a retarded Australian.

    4) Pinching people who don't wear green.
    Do you pinch Jewish people on Christmas? Didn't think so. Stop it.

    5) Green hair spray.
    You're taking the green thing a bit far, now. If you really wanted to look Irish, I'd recommend a nice, natural red or brown.

    Avoid these things, and we can all enjoy St. Patrick's Day together. No need for corney, stupid materialistic crap. Just celebrate your heritage, drink a few pints, and enjoy the greatest holiday on Earth!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I agree whole-heartedly. These are many of the reasons that I don't enjoy a lot of the St. Pat's Day celebrations in St. Louis. Too many people use it as some sort of justified reason to drink themselves silly.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    St. Patrick's Day=Amateur Drinking Day
    Sapienter si sincereClan Davidson (USA)
    Bydand Do well and let them say...GORDON!My Blog
    "I'll have a scotch on the rocks. Any scotch will do as long as it's not a blend of course. Single malt Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps maybe a Glen... any Glen." -Swingers

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    St. Patricks day founded sometime ago and was a neat tradition that went one step too far. I have to agree about the new Marti Gras day. WHEW, do you really have to put the Saints name along with it to just have a day to drink it up?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    my thoughts exactly!

  6. #6
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    The week or so before or the week or so after St. Patrick's Day leaves me wanting to punch people in the face.

    "Aren't you wearing your skirt a little early? St. Pats isn't until the 17th!"

    "St. Pats is over dude, why are you still wearing a skirt?"

    Makes me want to reach down somebody's throat, grab their spleen, and yank them inside out!

    Not that I'd ever do that any more. Lately, I've just been dealing with these remarks for the past week or so with all the quiet dignity I can muster. Well, mostly. I slip up. But I've kept my fits of temper to words only.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    What you need for a good St Paddy's Day Party:

    Corned Beef and Cabbage (boil it yourself, don't get that dog chow wanna be corned beef out of a can stuff)

    A few good friends

    A couple six packs of Guinness

    Yep, that looks about right.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly View Post
    The week or so before or the week or so after St. Patrick's Day leaves me wanting to punch people in the face.

    "Aren't you wearing your skirt a little early? St. Pats isn't until the 17th!"

    "St. Pats is over dude, why are you still wearing a skirt?"

    Makes me want to reach down somebody's throat, grab their spleen, and yank them inside out!

    Not that I'd ever do that any more. Lately, I've just been dealing with these remarks for the past week or so with all the quiet dignity I can muster. Well, mostly. I slip up. But I've kept my fits of temper to words only.
    This will be my first "St. Patrick's season" kilted. I hadn't thought of this happening. But, I can certainly see the potential. I almost punched a guy in the face in early November for telling me Halloween was over. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!

  9. #9
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tattoobradley View Post
    This will be my first "St. Patrick's season" kilted. I hadn't thought of this happening. But, I can certainly see the potential. I almost punched a guy in the face in early November for telling me Halloween was over. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!
    Oh I HATE that too. But I didn't mention it because this is a St. Pats thread.


  10. #10
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    yeah that'd make a even a chaplain tempted!

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