8th February 07, 08:20 PM
Raleigh 3/17
OK so we're a little over a month out but a couple of us were already talking about it and Tir na nOg seems to be the favorite right now for St Patty's Day festivities.
If you haven't been to a kilt night with me before, be warned, these tend to be bawdier kilt nights. Last year it was like we were the Girls Gone Wild crew except with no cameras. If you're going to come out, make sure to bring a lot of green mardi gras style plastic beads to get the most out of the evening.
10th February 07, 04:39 PM
Went to the Tir na nOg website and they show next kilt night as Mar 8. Is there going to be two in March? Might come up from New Bern for one of them.
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
10th February 07, 08:55 PM
What they mean by "kilt night" is you get in free if you're wearing a kilt.
What I mean by "kilt night" is that at least two guys in kilts are going to show up, whether we have to pay a cover charge or not.
3/17 is my definition of a kilt night. I will be there, cover or not, as will my buddy David who is not on this forum but rocks his clan tartan at any opportunity.
I won't be there on the 3/8 event though (week after buying a new house... I'll be moving)
11th February 07, 06:18 AM
Not sure if I'll make it this year. I have no kilt, but I'm planning on going to the St. Paddy's parade and "festivities".
I'll try to stop in.
6th March 07, 08:49 PM
Response is weak and I'm not "feelin it". I'm most of the way through moving to my new house in Raleigh from Durham and I'm just wiped. Given nobody seems to be too fired up about this, I'm not too fired up about it myself.
7th March 07, 05:57 AM
I' m no matter when it is ....just let me know!!! I am only about an hour away from Raleigh!!!
HERMAN, Adventurer, BBQ guru, student of history
16th March 07, 11:59 AM
Well I did move to the new house in Raleigh... I have to find the box of kilts tonight and then I should be good to go tomorrow night.
Sometime around 9pm or so we'll be at Tir na nOg. Look for these two guys (but don't click that link if you are offended by vulgar language)
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