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  1. #1
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    a fun and cool thing about the NorCal X-Marks community

    Let's see...

    The FHCAG is making a "victim" of hers....though not a Nor Cal X-Marker, an X-Kilt.
    Piper George has two Kilts I've made
    Tim C's girlfriend, the lovely Damaris will shortly have a skirt that I'm working on.
    The FHCAG will also have a skirt, cranked out by me.
    Captain Jak has an X-Kilt by me.
    w2f is, I believe cranking out a military box-pleat X-Marks tartan kilt for Panache

    Another Nor Cal X-Marker, whom I SWORE I woulud not name, is making a kilt for another Nor Cal X-Marker as a surprise.

    This is fun. We're all making kilts and skirts for each other (depending on gender)

    Well, OK. Tim C isn't making any kilts. But he's gonna let me use his 42 pound weight for Events training this month! And Panache makes sgian dubhs and sgian don'ts...I have one, and soon way2fractious will have a Panache-made elkhorn-antler dirk! WalkerK got the project off the ground to get those GREAT Kilt Hangers done. WalkerK's lady, the Amazing Madalyn orchestrated our Burns Night. Piper George is the official (sort of) Nor Cal X-Marks Piper! monkey@arms and WalkerK keep cranking up the San Franacisco whiskey nights...I gotta get up there. It just goes on and on....and I haven't mentioned a whole lot of people that hang out here like bunchdescendant (who is hosting the X-Kilt instructions download site) and his lady (who held down the kitchen at our Burns Night) big Mike Steinrok (and his kid) and folks you never hear or see like Gryphonaire.

    Beer and Kilts Night at Devils Canyon Brewery wouldn't be the same without Tim C's little girl Miss Ashley, or Panache and the FHCAG kids....and who would I dance at the Games if Bunchdescendents daughter, the Celtic Dancer, didn't come?


    What a nice bunch of people.
    Last edited by Alan H; 16th March 07 at 03:45 PM.

  2. #2
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    Sounds like a GREAT community of xmarkers and the kilted friendship will last a long time.

  3. #3
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    y'all haven't lived 'till you've seen the FHCAG stretching out, catlike, in the big bucket seat of Motorman4life's motorcycle. TRUST me. LOL!

  4. #4
    Panache's Avatar
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    Don't forget MotorMan4Life and his Kilt Day site! Plus Kiltimabar, and the other Nor Cal kilties who sadly live just out of range for most of our Beer nights!

    How about CameronTaylor who makes its up here enough to be considered an honorary Nor Cal Kiltie. Not to mention his good friend Chris and Chris' lovely lady. Speaking of lovely ladies you forgot Damaris and her bright smile. And of course where would we be without Alan H's enthusiasm, intellect, and heart.

    And there are still some Nor Cal Kilties I have yet had the pleasure to meet like Rigged or thomsec to name but two.

    But hopefully with the Highland Games season coming up we will have more opportunities to gather.

    But you are very right Alan, it is a nice bunch of people!


    Last edited by Panache; 16th March 07 at 04:38 PM. Reason: Spelling
    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sounds like a good kilted rabble.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  6. #6
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    I agree with cessna. Good stuff.

    Doc (who lives in upper cal.) (grin)

  7. #7
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    Did you say honorary or hornery ?

    CT - indeed about the finest group (I love talking like Mark Twain sometimes) of folks I've had the pleasure to meet. See ya in a couple weeks

    ps: Chris' girl is Debra, there will be a test later ...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan H View Post
    y'all haven't lived 'till you've seen the FHCAG stretching out, catlike, in the big bucket seat of Motorman4life's motorcycle. TRUST me. LOL!
    Alan, I'm suprised you remember that! I don't. Wasn't that when we all went to the Black Watch? Panache was driving and they made a mean kamikaze! That was a long time ago-gotta do it again. We really need to continue recruiting as well. I'm thinking we've got to work harder on the Devil's Canyon folk-why have I still not seen Dan in a kilt?

    Be well,

  9. #9
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    Alan, I feel very fortunate to be a part of the crazy clan that we have out here. You're right, I dont actually make kilts....I don't make much...except trouble where ever I go. That's what I do best ;-)


  10. #10
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    Northern California is a great place. I get to visit my son there in two weeks time. It's for his wedding. Yes, I'm wear a kilt.
    Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
    Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
    Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
    Member, Royal Photographic Society

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