24th March 07, 01:51 PM
I know this is way off topic, but its a topic that's been buggin the stew out of me ever since the weather has been nice enough to fish.
I want bass for dinner, but I don't know how to catch it. The only fish I've ever fished for are open and deep sea fish and catfish (which I don't like anyway). I like the way bass tastes when grilled but the local markets don't carry it regularly.
Now I know with the number of men on this board there is at least a handfull who can give me tips on fishing for bass. I've got a pretty sturdy pole and absolutely no idea where to fish for and what kind of lures to use to catch bass. I know that there are bass in local reservoirs, but they're just so darn elusive. Help please!
24th March 07, 01:55 PM
I have had pretty good luck going to Sardis. I have caught just about everything you can think of by using live bait ( yes including bass) i use worms, minos, and crikets. but i am far from and expert on this topic. I see your in Mississippi also , if you need directions to Sardis ( its not far from you) contact me by private message and i will do my best to get you there.
24th March 07, 02:56 PM
Gee, I've been thinking longingly about Crappie lately...absolutely great fun to catch them on a fly rod and this year I may even eat a few.
I've always had the most luck with Bass using nightcrawlers and patience. When it comes to artificials, most folks like the spinnerbaits but I've always had better luck with the regular spinners (colors matching local minnows and black) and the Rapala original floaters in local minnow colors.
That's Largemouth, by the way...there are Smallmouth around but I don't get to those waters very often.
Never eat the Bass...for all the money that people pay in taxes on the licenses and bait and tackle around here, I figure that they're worth more in the water than in the cooler...I've almost had arguments with people who've seen me release big Bass. One old guy once told me that Largemouth should be washed in milk before cooking to relieve the "muddy" taste...I had to take his word for it.
Now Walleye...that's another story...
24th March 07, 03:49 PM
 Originally Posted by Celtic Amazon Goddess
I have had pretty good luck going to Sardis. I have caught just about everything you can think of by using live bait ( yes including bass) i use worms, minos, and crikets. but i am far from and expert on this topic. I see your in Mississippi also , if you need directions to Sardis ( its not far from you) contact me by private message and i will do my best to get you there.
Oh I know exactly how to get to Sardis. I go camping there every October.
24th March 07, 05:01 PM
 Originally Posted by Dirka Skene
Oh I know exactly how to get to Sardis. I go camping there every October.
have you eer had and luck there ? i like to fish around the brush and on the bottom for catfish ( thats how i have hooked a few bass not trying to )
24th March 07, 07:33 PM
Sounds like a Thelma and Louise fishing trip in the offing. I'll notify Mr. Pitt to warm up his jeans.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
24th March 07, 08:05 PM
very funny ,
 Originally Posted by turpin
Sounds like a Thelma and Louise fishing trip in the offing. I'll notify Mr. Pitt to warm up his jeans.
24th March 07, 08:12 PM
As they are BOTH in Ole Miss, that trip shouldn't be too hard.
Just keep away from guns and cliffs . . .
24th March 07, 08:21 PM
I do most of my bass fishing at the Atlantic Sea Grill..and have ALWAYS landed a whopper!
24th March 07, 08:43 PM
If you can find a good bass pond, I find they respond well to plastic jigs. The trick is being there when they're in the mood to feed and finding the color that will grap their attention.
Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit
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