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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadbelly View Post
    I looked in to that actually. Hospital jobs. I was turned down because I require a cane while walking, which doesn't leave two hands free. If I had the schooling and skills in either spanish or sign language, I could have started off as a volunteer translator which may turn in to a paid position after a year.
    Well I'm sure you know enough sign language to express yourself for when those who cannot look beyond the cane.

  2. #12
    Mr. Kilt's Avatar
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    Are there no societies or groups that offer help to people with disabilities in your area? Perhaps a letter or phone call to a city or state representative to discuss the situation might help. The idea that the employment office won't consider job applications from someone without a car or license seems really offensive to me, especially in regards to the library position that you could walk to.

  3. #13
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I am hoping I can land this job in a clothing store. What it boils down to is I need to have a job where I can use my brain and not my body. The body is shot, it will not hold up. I am not even sure if I can hold a regular nine to five though. I have worries. Like the days when the RA and the fibro tag team me so bad that it is all I can do just to hold my head up and barf for hours on end. Or the days it takes me hours, literally hours, to unkink all my joints and get moving. (Worse in the winter) Which is why I am trying to get my self though school, get a set of skills, use those skills to employ my self somehow, and find a way to live. In the mean time, I need something to tide me over, if it all possible. Some days I honestly can't function physically... Or mentally on those days when the fibro fog is a little to thick. Or the days when I am awake for days and days and days and can't sleep from the pain. I worry if I could even hold a job. How many days do I call in sick before I get canned?

    Keep in mind, I don't take pain killers. Nor can I. Those... Those will screw your body up.

    I just need to survive to the point where I am self supporting somehow. I am not sure how to do that. I want to, the desire is there, the way is unknown.

    I just wish I knew what I was doing. That's all. All this self doubt is killing me.

  4. #14
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    Dread, I have to say I feel you on this one. A few years back I was suffering from really bad depression and tried to O.D. on painkillers. For the next year my kidneys and liver were so bad I couldn't workk at all.
    I don't think that's nearly as difficult as your situation must be, but I understand how blocked you must feel.
    Perhaps you can take up the suggesion of contacting some disability support groups or council officials. They may be able to help you get into something.
    Perhaps you could contact some local tailors or alterations places and offer your skills?
    My future mother-in-law made it for a few years on making wedding gowns and repairing antique quilts.

    I really hope that you manage to find something, but I can see that everyone on this community will always be around to lend a helping hand and keep you floating when you feel you can't keep up.

    You will make it.
    Good luck, and take care.

  5. #15
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    Know the feeling after Ex took off had three kids no car no license he never wanted me to work so had no real work history except jobs that Id had as a teenager before kids.No one wanted to hire me but did find out gaps of time look terrible on applications.Lady said instead of me putting stay at home mother for 10 years shed rather me put carved toothpicks for profit so keep that in mind.

  6. #16
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    How about going to a "Head hunter" service? They place you in jobs... that's THEIR job.

  7. #17
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    Dread, I wish I could offer some advice, but not being in your situation, I don't think I can. I feel for you and your lady and all I can do is keep you in our thoughts and prayers. If you need to use this forum as a vent to voice concerns ,fears thoughts or whatever please do so. I think thats what x-marks promotes, sure it's nice to talk kilts all day, but I think it has become more. There is a strong feeling of community here and a community listens and helps. I feel that if any of us were in a position to drop what we are doing and lend a hand we would, That makes me feel part of something speicial, something larger than myself. Was that a long winded way of saying we are here for you? I hope things turn around for you. Joy be with you and your lady.

  8. #18
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    I went from being a top software engineer who turned down several job offers every week to suddenly (after the dot-com bust) not being able to get anyone to read my resume or return a phone call. I was out of work for over three years. I took the opportunity (with my wife's help) to go back to school and study subjects that interest me: Journalism and Photojournalism, Filmmaking, Digital Arts, and Emergency Medicine.

    I now have a job that encorporates most of my interests. I work for a high-tech company as an Emergency Responder, and my job also involves managing our database, writing training literature, designing and managing our internal website, and photographing events for the incident investigators.

  9. #19
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    I STILL think that a freelance/partnership/employee/R&D/???? relationship with one of the employeed kiltmaking companies would be EXACTLY what is needed. You have AMAZINGLY good ideas on kilts and kilt accessories. You NEED to get in some sort of working relationship with someone who can get your ideas into production and pay some sort of royalties or something more substantial.
    If I was in a different place in life, and could do it, I would LOVE to do it myself. As things are, I can't. (I am not sure if I will make kilts for anyone besides myself at all-> I have commitments to other things more "important"-> religious)
    I would recommend a kilt-manufacturer who is open to trying some really different "new" ideas to talk to Dreadbelly! It would be mutually beneficial.

  10. #20
    Dreadbelly is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    School is about the only thing that keeps me, well, grounded. The idea that when it is completed I will have some sort of skill to which to offer. Rigged, going back to school is always a good thing. When all else fails, seek education if you can.

    And yes, I belong in a laboratory someplace. I am the proverbial mad scientist type. I don't function well in society.

    Which may be why I revere people like Tesla.

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