27th March 07, 11:05 PM
First complaint ever with Canadians
I've said before, I have enormous respect for Canadians, but one unknown individual has me annoyed.
My son Daniel has been having a wonderful time working at a ski resort near Banff. In his spare time he's taken up snowboarding, life has been a dream, until yesterday.
Staff party, free drinks, yeh, maybe had a few, gets to go home and picks up the wrong coat from a pile (they all look the same, ski resort issue).
Daniels coat doesn't turn up and he is slack at returning the one he took (remember, he lives and works on site).
As a result he is called up before security, accused of theft and dismissed.
His plans for canada are in disarray and is understandably upset, he's thinking of coming home.
Daniel is a Christian, and while he's done some wild things, theft has never been one of them, he is extremely honest.
I'm just having a moan friends, of course I don't blame Canadians, this kind of stuff goes on in every country.
I plan to be speaking to management in the morning our time and hope they will explain their actions and see the misunderstanding.
Last edited by Freelander Sporrano; 28th March 07 at 07:05 AM.
27th March 07, 11:40 PM
Good luck Graham. If its any consolation, the way they hire at these resorts, the security guy is probably from out of country.
Gentleman of Substance
28th March 07, 12:09 AM
If all else fails Graham, have your son call me. (or you can). He is welcome here in Victoria for the rest of his time in Canada. It's not as exciting as a ski resort but cheaper than an unexpected plane ticket home, and less traumatic that heading home under a cloud and disgruntled at one unfortunate incident.
Steve Ashton
Skype (webcam enabled) thewizardofbc
I wear the kilt because: Swish + Swagger = Swoon.
28th March 07, 12:54 AM
Thanks Steve, that's very thoughtful of you. He does love Canada and I envy him being there.
I'll email him and see if he likes the idea of Victoria.
28th March 07, 01:52 AM
Sorry to hear that! It's a terrible experience -even more so when you're so far from friends and family... Best to you all!
28th March 07, 06:20 AM
I feel for you. There is nothing as frustrating as being an honest person accused of dishonesty. This has happened to me and, worse, it's happened to my children and it's incredibly insulting. I have to assume that this company has a waiting list of people looking for those jobs and feels that they can just dismiss people willy-nilly and it's no skin off their nose. Knowing that you and yours are very devout Christians, is there possibly a local minister over there that your son knows and that might act as an advocate for him in this situation?
It's tough to have principles in a world where everyone seems to be quick to assume that everyone is dishonest.
28th March 07, 06:23 AM
 Originally Posted by auld argonian
I feel for you. There is nothing as frustrating as being an honest person accused of dishonesty. This has happened to me and, worse, it's happened to my children and it's incredibly insulting. I have to assume that this company has a waiting list of people looking for those jobs and feels that they can just dismiss people willy-nilly and it's no skin off their nose. Knowing that you and yours are very devout Christians, is there possibly a local minister over there that your son knows and that might act as an advocate for him in this situation?
It's tough to have principles in a world where everyone seems to be quick to assume that everyone is dishonest.
Thanks for your kind thoughts, yes, I have tried to contact the church that Daniel has been attending but I'm not sure which one it is. I agree that to enlist the support of his pastor would be good. I hope to speak to Daniel about that as soon as I can reach him.
28th March 07, 06:29 AM
 Originally Posted by The Wizard of BC
If all else fails Graham, have your son call me. (or you can). He is welcome here in Victoria for the rest of his time in Canada. It's not as exciting as a ski resort but cheaper than an unexpected plane ticket home, and less traumatic that heading home under a cloud and disgruntled at one unfortunate incident.
Perhaps the lad could begin a short term kiltmakers apprenticeship?
28th March 07, 07:23 AM
Delete the word CANADIAN
It's come to my attention that someone has got their knickers in a knot about me mentioning Canadians here.
Whoever that is needs to re read the post.
I began I've said before, I have enormous respect for Canadians, but one unknown individual has me annoyed. As someone pointed out, they may be Chinese or Japanese, Australian or even American...it's irrelevant!
then....quote: I'm just having a moan to friends, of course I don't blame Canadians, this kind of stuff goes on in every country.
Good grief, as if I need to spell this out!!
It was a story about my son who is in CA*AD*, the replies here have been thoughtful, generous, compassionate and helpful.
So where is the problem??????
OK I accept the last post of mine about an Australian detained by America for 5 years without charge or trial was hard for some to accept, I said delete it if the moderators choose to, and they chose to.
but a story about my son accused of theft is controversial because it happened in canada??
OK if it is, then Mike, delete the sodding lot and I'll just post about the new kilt I bought and how someone thought I looked silly in it but then someone else thought I looked cool........
good grief!
28th March 07, 08:00 AM
 Originally Posted by Graham
It's come to my attention that someone has got their knickers in a knot about me mentioning Canadians here.
Maybe they need more fiber in their diet. 
Don't sweat it Graham, you've been around long enough to know that some people can find something to whine about in any post in the database. Just chalk it up to someones having a bad day and needed to take it out on someone else.
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