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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graham View Post
    Thanks Macman, you're waking up, I should be asleep thanks for your words. I guess I'm a very protective Dad...nobody messes with my boy...I've learned that it was a really bad day for him. The same day as the sacking he learned that a less he fancied and knew from here but moved to the USA..and was planning to visit...has just got married!!

    Life's lessons learned, we've all been there.
    Part of being a Dad Graham, I'm the same way.

    He's a good lookin kid, he'll find another, they make new ones everyday.

  2. #22
    Kilted KT is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    hmm...so..is canada really like a loft apartment above a great party? I heard that once and want to get yoru opinions...

    ( oh, and I've heard the skiing up there is fantastic..will have to get up there one of these days!)

    oh, Graham, sucks to hear what happened to your son. No reason to boot him just becaue he picked up the wrong jacket. I wonder what happened to the person who grabbed his?

  3. #23
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    not at all, I would think Canada a party all it's own

    You guys definitely have the bigger attendance at your party, but I enjoy ours just fine

    RK-Rex, you are completely right about it just being part of the Dad role. My son is getting ready to start grade 1, and it is me that is having the transition issues and worries, not him
    Last edited by Colin; 28th March 07 at 10:05 AM.

  4. #24
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    Off topic a bit.

    On a Canadian ice fishing trip a few years ago. We were in a terrible snow storm on the QEW and saw a car stuck in the median on the other side or the highway with a police officer getting ready to try and push it out. (she wasn't stuck too badly) So, being the chivalrous lads we are, we stopped, walked through the median and offer some help. The officer and the lady were standing by the car when we walked up and we said we'd lend a hand. She thanks us and heads back to the drivers seat. So one of my buddies, a true brute of a man (6'5" tall and every bit of 320 pounds) bends over and grabs onto the bumper of the car, a smallish import, and starts grunting, straining, pushing and lifting for all he's worth. The officer looks over at him and in a very heavy Canadian accent says, "You wanna wait for her to start the car, eh?" He gets red in the face and lets go of the car and it drops about two feet. Not as funny to hear as it was to experience, but a good story none the less.

  5. #25
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    Rational Thought Probably Escapes Them

    Quote Originally Posted by Graham View Post
    I plan to be speaking to management in the morning our time and hope they will explain their actions and see the misunderstanding.

    As a government employee, I can attest to the fact that trying to have a rational discussion with an irrational agency is usually fruitless. Your son's description of the events reveals the employer didn't put much thought into their hasty actions. Their next step would be to defend their mistake at all costs.

    An incident like this is probably best handled by your son. It's something he may have to deal with again, and learning to display patience and dignity during such an event is important. That's not to say you can't help him with ideas on how to counter this foolishness (soliciting the local minister's help struck me as particularly good).

    I have dealt with much less honorable parents than yourself who try to intercept trouble and prevaricate on behalf of their children (and in front of them, no less) without so much as a blush. Only when they were confronted with evidence to the contrary did they admit to their fabrication. This behavior astounds me - and while it is certainly not how you would behave - I can't help but wonder if you would be cast in this unfortunate lot by the management at the ski resort. If that is the case, your intervention isn't likely to help your son anyway.

    Good luck to your son. You and your son and his friends know what sort of man he is, and the acts of a foolish employer can't change that.

    (who recently visited Taz and enjoyed the people and country
    Last edited by Abax; 28th March 07 at 01:54 PM.

  6. #26
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    Update, I had a call from the head of security an hour ago.
    He seemed a very fair and decent fellow (so the reputation of Canadians is intact!!!)

    His concern is that there were security passes in the pockets of the jacket, the owner of it was leaving the resort and needed to return them.

    Daniel was very slack in not returning the coat earlier, my guess is that he's having too much fun there.
    With over 800 employees, the head of security said he cannot let something like this go. Sounds like they run a tight ship.
    I could see his point of view, tho' not agreeing with his judgement.

    Hopefully Daniel will learn to be more careful in a foreign land, even though it may not seem that foreign.

    Abax, you came here and didn't visit me??? I'm gutted!

  7. #27
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    Graham, since you are a bit calmer, this is for you:

    I found it on Photobucket the other day and thought of you.

    I hope things work out for your son, and that he dicides to stay here a little longer. Canada has so much to offer.

  8. #28
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    Well, shoot. Sorry to hear it, Graham. Jerks everywhere, eh?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccga3359 View Post
    Graham, since you are a bit calmer, this is for you:

    I found it on Photobucket the other day and thought of you.

    I hope things work out for your son, and that he dicides to stay here a little longer. Canada has so much to offer.
    The ranting Tasmanian!!! love it
    My main complaint was about nameless members complaining about what I thought was a non-controversial post, bringing it close to deletion, without me knowing anything about it.
    I like folks to say things to my face rather than behind my back.

    Like I said, I appreciate sharing this and all the kindness that decent members have expressed.
    Daniel is staying in Canada, he'll not let this setback deter him. He's had worse in India, Nepal and even Scotland!
    (If you are Indian, Napalese or Scottish...I love you and your countries!!!)

  10. #30
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    Then another to bring a smile back to our Aussie cousin;

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