30th March 07, 09:10 AM
 Originally Posted by Big Paul
RUFUS! (Rufus Harley)

He's playing it left handed. That's pretty rare. It drives the drum majors crazy when they're trying to get everybody to look uniform!
30th March 07, 10:31 AM
Me in my full regimental kit (from one of the 3 bands I'm currently in)

Me being all kindsa formal at a wedding a few months back
The tradition continues!
The Pipers Gathering at Killington, VT
30th March 07, 11:32 AM
 Originally Posted by beloitpiper
He's playing it left handed. That's pretty rare. It drives the drum majors crazy when they're trying to get everybody to look uniform!
Rufus did more than merely play left-handed. He usually played a set of pipes set up for a right-handed eprson, and so placed his head between the bass and inner-tenor drones in order to balance and hold the instrument. I met him once about 4 years ago at the Tartan Day Parade in NYC. The man was a reallllllllll trip.
The tradition continues!
The Pipers Gathering at Killington, VT
30th March 07, 12:13 PM
This looks like a pied Piper kind of thing
totay random piper walking down the beach. What is the story?
Yes there is a piper in this photo...and a large flower..... somewhere
 Originally Posted by Fearnest
One more for encouragement...

“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau
30th March 07, 01:00 PM
 Originally Posted by Richland
This looks like a pied Piper kind of thing
totay random piper walking down the beach. What is the story?
Yes there is a piper in this photo...and a large flower..... somewhere
You know, I only wish I had been the photographer that day... the sun, the fresh air, the skirling, sea gulls keening overhead, the smell of the salt water, the crash of the surf... Ah, who am I trying to kid? The lovely ladies!!!

I wish I had info on this one - I'll try to do some more research and see if I can find anything out!
30th March 07, 07:28 PM
A little piper shot I found.
2nd April 07, 06:06 PM
 Originally Posted by Fearnest
how much does all that cost excluding the pipes because im looking into getting a uniform similar but with defferent colors?
20th April 07, 05:22 AM
20th April 07, 06:00 AM
This is pic of me during a piping workshop at the Clan Farquharson Gathering in 2005, at Invercauld House, the Clan Chief's ancestral home. It is as hard as it looks !
The third photo in this thread is of the Ballater & District Pipe Band at the Ballater Highland Games.
20th April 07, 06:05 AM
 Originally Posted by acaig
This is pic of me during a piping workshop at the Clan Farquharson Gathering in 2005, at Invercauld House, the Clan Chief's ancestral home. It is as hard as it looks !
The third photo in this thread is of the Ballater & District Pipe Band at the Ballater Highland Games.
I hope you dont mind, but if you use the [img] and [/img] tags the pic shows up right in your post, the url tags just give a link.
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