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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    As I no longer drink alcohol I'd much prefer to do something interesting with my Saturday rather than sit around in a pub all afternoon AND evening. If we met a week earlier on the 19th we could spend the afternoon at the pipe band championships in Dumbarton and that would still leave plenty time for a bite to eat early evening, possibly at the Pot Still, and then a pub, with soft drinks for those of us who have to leave early and drive home, and the hardcore drinkers can stay on later at the pub.
    That's no problem. I rarely drink any alcohol othern than whisky for special occasions. My father's a recoverin alcoholic and we tend to only really drink alcohol-free beer in my family.

    If anyone prefers the Pipe bands I think that's a great idea.
    I'll try to figure a few things out for people who will have to sat overnight and re-post.
    Then, perhaps, if anyone couldn't make it maybe we can have something else in Glasgow the next weekend.

  2. #32
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    Thanks, Arlen, I'm not wanting to sound awkward, but now that Jimmy has whetted our appetite for the Scottish Pipe Band Championships that seems a good focus for bringing as many xmarkers together on the one weekend, unless there is some compelling reason why we have to meet on the 26th rather than the 19th ie if a few people can only manage the 26th. The next again Saturday, 2nd June is Hawick Highland Games so I'd certainly want to be at home that weekend.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  3. #33
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    The 19th is ok with me

  4. #34
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    I have just taken a peek at The Pot Still's website and then at their gallery of photos.

    The chap in photo number one looks familiar....is it?....could it be?...our very own Hamish???

    Warwickshire - Shakespeare's county.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    I have just taken a peek at The Pot Still's website and then at their gallery of photos.

    The chap in photo number one looks familiar....is it?....could it be?...our very own Hamish???

    I knew I recognised Hamish fro somewhere! :P

  6. #36
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    The Pipe band championships are on Saturday the 19th of May. It's a free event so we just turn up to watch. Starts at (am and goes on until 5.50PM
    The trains from Glasgow to Dumbarton are pretty much every half hour, so what time does everyone want to get there? We can either meet in Glasgow and get the train there, or those of us who are getting the train can do that and meet those who are driving there.

  7. #37
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    Great idea. I'll see what everyone else is doing - might leave my car at a park & ride on the way into Glasgow (coming from the borders I normally use Larkhall) then meet you all in Glasgow and travel together by train, or if others are going separately by car I can do the same.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  8. #38
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    Meet in Glasgow & get the train out to Dumbarton would be my first choise

  9. #39
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    O.K, guys, I'm putting this stuff up in an official post so any newcomers can see it nice and bright.
    Here it is...

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Scottish Kilt Night

    Quote Originally Posted by Arlen View Post
    O.K, guys, I'm putting this stuff up in an official post so any newcomers can see it nice and bright.
    Here it is...
    Arlen, I have attended this event for the past few years, it has always been an outstanding success, so much so that the Dumbartonshire councils have had no hesitation in bringing it back to Levengrove Park every year.
    Even last year when the weather was not so good (as you can see from the pics you posted, it still was a spectacular day despite the colour being taken out from the pipe bands by their long black
    Levengrove Park is about 5-10 mins walk fom the town centre and about 3-4 mins walk from Dalreoch Rail Station, direct line from Glasgow Central.
    To those who attend these occasions, they will be familiar with the set up, more or less a tented village with tartan shops, food and refreshments.
    If anyone is bringing the kids then there is a fun and amusement park within
    the park's confines.
    Nearest public house is the Waverley, just outside the park, fairly small pub that knows how to charge on the day.
    For the last few years, the chieftain of the championship has been Provost Alistair MacDonald, a very friendly individual (who can be seen several times in your pics, the chap with the bushy beard and chain of office. )Unfortunately Alistair is not standing for council election in early May so there will be a new chief..
    A word of warning to anyone who may be fortunate or unfortunate enough to obtain tickets for the hospitality tent. This championship is always sponsored by a distillery firm and their hospitality may bring a premature end to the day as it done to me 3 years ago. I notice Arlen that you are wise enough to only drink on special occasions!

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