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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Harpenden Highland Games

    Not wishing to hijack the Newbie thread where this came up so I'll start a new one.
    DWG69 thanks for the information.
    I read on the forum that I'd missed a good rabble of x-markers at the excellent event last year so I don't want to miss out again this year.
    I now have:-
    1. Wife's permission to attend.
    2. Return flight Newcastle-Stansted booked on Easyjet for Sunday 8th July - arrive Stansted 08:20, return flight depart 21:25.
    I now need:-
    1. Advice on what do with my kilt pin if I decide to travel in a traditional kilt - so far I've only travelled scheduled flights in the Freedom Cargo Kilt with no kilt pin.
    2. Advice on how to get to the games from Stansted Airport.
    3. Do I need a ticket for the games? If so can somebody get me one please.
    Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    Not wishing to hijack the Newbie thread where this came up so I'll start a new one.
    DWG69 thanks for the information.
    I read on the forum that I'd missed a good rabble of x-markers at the excellent event last year so I don't want to miss out again this year.
    I now have:-
    1. Wife's permission to attend.
    2. Return flight Newcastle-Stansted booked on Easyjet for Sunday 8th July - arrive Stansted 08:20, return flight depart 21:25.
    I now need:-
    1. Advice on what do with my kilt pin if I decide to travel in a traditional kilt - so far I've only travelled scheduled flights in the Freedom Cargo Kilt with no kilt pin.
    2. Advice on how to get to the games from Stansted Airport.
    3. Do I need a ticket for the games? If so can somebody get me one please.
    PM me your phone number I will phone you


  3. #3
    An t-Ileach's Avatar
    An t-Ileach is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Alex, after No 1 (wife's permission) the rest is downhill all the way.

    I recently flew to Berlin Schoenefeld. I removed a pin type kilt pin and just went with the X-Marks one and the MFAW ribbon (held on by LI collar dog). The people at security were more interested in me removing my footwear than the kilt decorations.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    Not wishing to hijack the Newbie thread where this came up so I'll start a new one.
    DWG69 thanks for the information.
    I read on the forum that I'd missed a good rabble of x-markers at the excellent event last year so I don't want to miss out again this year.
    I now have:-
    1. Wife's permission to attend.
    2. Return flight Newcastle-Stansted booked on Easyjet for Sunday 8th July - arrive Stansted 08:20, return flight depart 21:25.
    I now need:-
    1. Advice on what do with my kilt pin if I decide to travel in a traditional kilt - so far I've only travelled scheduled flights in the Freedom Cargo Kilt with no kilt pin.
    2. Advice on how to get to the games from Stansted Airport.
    3. Do I need a ticket for the games? If so can somebody get me one please.
    I will pick you up from the airport

    And yes you do need a ticket we will sort this out latter


  5. #5
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