13th April 07, 11:45 AM
Yet another Southpaw here. I got forced to do the right handed writing thing. I notice I switch depending on the surface; when using paper and pencil on a flat horizontal surface I'm using my right hand, but when I'm writing on a vertical surface, like a chalk board (yes those are still in classrooms!) I use my left hand. To top if off both examples look completely different.
Strange.... I ended up playing one of the few brass instruments in which you use both hands.
13th April 07, 12:27 PM
 Originally Posted by Kid Cossack
Aye, laddy! By birth I'm left handed, of course the stigma that attached to such a "sinister" orientation led to my parents encouraging me to be right handed. One summer I taught myself to write left handed pretty well, but then it drifted away due to lack of use. I shoot rifles and pistols left handed, but play pool right handed. I can report no problems wearing a kilt! (Except, you know, all the other guys being jealous . . . .)
nearly the same thing with me. both my parents are left handed. i do everything left handed, except i write with my right hand (i'll draw with both though). that's because i had some really old fashion pre-school teachers who thought that it would be best to discourage a trait that wasn't in the norm.
now i wear kilts full time, so much for being "normal" 
oh and kilts have buckles on both sides, and UK's have buttons in the middle, so i don't see how handedness could play a role in kilt wearing.
13th April 07, 01:09 PM
I'm a righthanded lover of lefthanded people. (My wife is lefthanded.) Does that count? Can I be in the club?
I can't even scratch lefthanded.
Jim Killman
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher of English and Math, Soldier of Fortune, Bon Vivant, Heart Transplant Recipient, Knight of St. Andrew (among other knighthoods)
Freedom is not free, but the US Marine Corps will pay most of your share.
13th April 07, 01:58 PM
We will let be an honorary member but don't look for any pity. It't not our fault you are right handed.
Left handers have to learn to get along in a right hand world you folks have created for us, but we WILL take over someday and set things correct.
Robert "the kilted" Lamb
13th April 07, 02:03 PM
 Originally Posted by Robert Lamb
we WILL take over someday and set things correct.
Robert "the kilted" Lamb
Yes, because we will not make it RIGHT, which would be incorrect
13th April 07, 02:25 PM
I'm a lefty as well! I still wear my sgian dubh on my right side though as a matter of tradition, not like I'm likely to need to draw the thing overly fast anyway.
Lefties generally have a greater propensity for being somewhat ambidextrous in that we live in a right handed world. If you think of how many things are set up that way it makes a lot of sense. I can do a lot of things right handed, but do them better left handed. I'm also a drummer, so that helps me in particular.
I don't have good vision out of my left eye though, so I shoot right-handed and oddly enough I'm a right handed shot in hockey, can't shoot left handed to save my life for some reason.
13th April 07, 02:28 PM
 Originally Posted by gangreenfootball
I echo McClef's sentiment, but run with scissors in my left hand.
Try using most scissors. They're made to be used by righties. About 25% of people are lefties, and that is the same percentage as lefties in my children.
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handed people are in their right minds.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
13th April 07, 02:28 PM
Nothing left in my right brain, nothing right in my left brain.
13th April 07, 02:30 PM
 Originally Posted by turpin
Try using most scissors. They're made to be used by righties. About 25% of people are lefties, and that is the same percentage as lefties in my children.
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handed people are in their right minds.
I thought it were closer to 10% lefty, 90% normal.
13th April 07, 02:34 PM
I read something several months back that applies to this topic, but it might be a bit controversial. Well, maybe not, but it is all very interesting. People on LSD tend to become left handed, except left handed people, which tend to become right handed while experiencing the effects of the drug. Prolonged use of LSD seemed to awake the experience of ambidexterity in many people, but the full cause of how or why has not yet been explained. The same effect has been found with certain types of magic mushrooms as well, though it is interesting to note that not all types of magical mushrooms seem to cause this odd behaviour.
The human body is absolutely amazing in its complexity and how it works.
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