17th April 07, 08:09 AM
Exchange rate
Pound Sterling topped $2.00 today for the first time in over 15 years... imported kilts and things are getting more expensive, of course, as a result. Unfortunately, the Scottish Pound is linked to the British one.
Independence NOW!
(the last was intended as a joke, not an actual political endorsement.)
17th April 07, 08:15 AM
Not sure where you are from but I am assuming you mean the British pound vs the US dollar, up here in Canada we have had this situation for a while, but there is still nothing like a real Scottish 16oz kilt no matter what the price.
17th April 07, 08:17 AM
would scottish independence really solve these problems?
17th April 07, 08:30 AM
As much as I'm itching for a political debate, we must keep politics off the boards.
Stay on topic.
17th April 07, 08:30 AM
If Scotland went independent, they may switch to the euro.....a wee bit cheaper.
Incidentally, a good up-to-the-minute exchange rate website is: http://www.xe.com
I often use them when buying stuff from overseas so I know how much I am about to get hosed. Of course, with many kilt purchasers in the USA, the worsening exchange rate just may encourage some price cutting if the buying slows down.
VOTE FOR PEDRO! He will get the US dollar back in shape :-)
That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.
Aldous Huxley
17th April 07, 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by beloitpiper
As much as I'm itching for a political debate, we must keep politics off the boards.
Stay on topic.
Look out MODS politics is not PC
17th April 07, 09:43 AM
The RULE says:
"No Religious or Political Threads
All posts containing religious comments and/or topics are subject to deletion with out notice. This rule is set forth to keep the peace, not to invoke an absence of religion.
Likewise, all posts containing political comments and/or topics are subject to deletion.
There are other, well-established forums to discuss both religion and politics, so please take those posts elsewhere."
At least one of the mods feels VERY stongly on the political matter at hand. Yet, the Rules are the Rules. They are here for, often, VERY specific reasons. The mods sometimes give a bit of leeway, hoping we will not hurt anyone's feelings and anger one or another. Sometimes, history is such that a particular topic is killed immediately upon discovery.
This topic is about the exchange rate, NOT independance of a nation.
Please, keep it to that or, I garonteeee (sp for humor), it WILL be locked or deleted/removed.
Now, I hope the exchange rate doesn't do too much damage to the cost of tartan material (which would drive up the cost for ALL kilts made of Scottish wool).
Last edited by MacWage; 17th April 07 at 03:41 PM.
Reason: Added Quote marks to ID the rule itself
17th April 07, 10:02 AM
thanks for the exchange rate calculator Mr. Ozone
17th April 07, 10:23 AM
No worries. Xe.com does a good job and there are always resources like google or yahoo as well.
I long for the halcyon days when the US dollar beat the euro...i was able to get rossignol skis REALLY cheap, even with int'l shipping.
That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.
Aldous Huxley
17th April 07, 02:54 PM
Lucky us - we were planning a trip to Scotland and the UK - now what I wonder...
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