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Thread: My premonition

  1. #1
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    My premonition

    As I think about the evening ahead, I've had a bit of a premonition.

    Last night as I slept I was overcome with a considerably painful gout attack leaving my right ankle swollen. Anyone here with gout experience knows how damned painful it is. Luckily for me my meds are taking effect, and some of the swelling, and pain have been reduced, though it is still difficult to walk at my ussual pace.

    Tonight, against my better judgement, I'll be going to a small scotch tasting and then to dinner with a few friends. Being as I am fighting the pain associated with the gout attack, my threshold for BS has been lowered, and I snip back at people much quicker. My premonition being I will quickly, and a bit venomuosly snip at a kilt comment which will lead to trouble. I will be with three gentlemen all over 6' in height, but two of them are about 20years older than I.

    Anyway, somehow I can't get past the feeling I'll be getting punched right in the kisser(wouldn't be the first time).

    Hopefully a dram or two of The Balvenie will ease these feelings.

  2. #2
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    You cant be held responsible for your feelings, only your actions.

    If you know you are going to act inappropriately, then dont. Dont go, dont make comments, or dont drink. (alcohol generally isnt good for gout from what I understand anyway).

    Better to miss a night out than have a bad night out I think.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by flairball View Post
    ......Hopefully a dram or two of The Balvenie will ease these feelings.
    And if not 2 try 1 more.

  4. #4
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    A Small Tale

    A fierce warrior came to see a most revered teacher.

    The warrior said brusquely "Master, you are renown for your wisdom as I am for my prowess in battle, I wish you to teach me something!"

    The aged master looked up from his meditations at the rough warrior before him. The Master said “You have the face of a pig!”.

    The warrior drew his sword and prepared to strike.

    The Master said calmly “Thus open the Gates of Hell”.

    The Warrior paused, he thought, and returned his sword to his scabbard.

    The Master said calmly “Thus open the Gates of Heaven”.

    -See it there, a white plume
    Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
    Of the ultimate combustion-My panache

    Edmond Rostand


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