24th April 07, 02:28 PM
Congrats about losing the combover. In my opinion nothing looks worse. Being one who does have 95% of my hair I really shouldn't say anything but man it doesn't fool anybody. I decided long ago that I'd never do for these reasons alone. For being kilted and having come to terms with mpb, now that's confidence. Obviously the ladies are picking up on that vibe.
24th April 07, 02:31 PM
 Originally Posted by beloitpiper
Ya know, men go bald because of excess testosterone.
You're not bald, you're a MAN!
three cheers to that!
yeah, like many of you here, i started going bald just after high school. my dad is over 70 and does the comb-over thing. he is not fooling anyone; and i keep trying to talk him into just getting it all buzzed.
i tried to work with the thinning, and i could fake it more or less thru my 20's. i wasn't combing over or anything, but just going with styles that assumed thick hair. this is me 8 years ago on my wedding day.
that's what i do now. every week or so, i'll take the clippers down to #1 and just go all over. i love how low maintenance my hair is. don't need shampoo either (but i will condition my beard, otherwise it gets like steel-wool.)
and for a current image of it: just go to this post. i'm the one in the middle.
24th April 07, 02:48 PM
 Originally Posted by NewKilt
..............the women I meet when taking my daily walk in the park (kilted) have a smile that is a bit broader, and they are more cheerful. Could it be that the kilt + the bald head convey a message that I'm even more confident than before? I wonder.
No wondering about it my friend. You've found the other thing that will make women smile like that besides the kilt.
I don't have a bald spot, a little receeding, but nothing to worry about. I shaved mine becuase when I started playing rugby I saw this really incredible hooker (same position I play) named Keith Woods whilst watching a match on tv one morning with a shaved head. I said to myself that I too must be shorn. I did it as soon as the match was over and I've been shaven ever since. In the winter I just use barber clippers without a guard just to have a little hair to break up the wind.
BTW, you truely know you look good bald when a very nice looking woman you don't know comes up to you in a bar and wants to kiss your head.
24th April 07, 03:13 PM
 Originally Posted by Tattoobradley
Well, actually I'm one of the "new crop of young guys losing their hair." I'm 26, and if I let it grow my hair is "patchy" at best. I started losing it pretty much as soon as I graduated HS and left for bootcamp. The "shaved head is the new combover" statement I just can't agree with. I shave my head once a week. As a matter of fact I have a freshly "bic'd" noggen as we speak.
A combover is a man's attempt of hiding the balding scalp and trying to fight an already lost battle. A shaved dome is a man's surrender to the battle he KNOW'S he's lost. Simple logic.
When I'm older and the top of my noggen goes COMPLETELY smooth on it's own, I will sport the "horseshoe" with pride  The bic'd noggen is simply the only way to wear my hair (or lack their of) without looking completely ridiculous.
I also don't agree that the shaved head is the "new combover". I have a lot of friends that have started to or are balding, and the shaved head is more the anti-combover.
I agree with Bradley in that they aren't trying to fool anyone into thinking they aren't balding and have instead decided against ridiculous practises of trying to disguise their lack of folicles and just gone all out.
Way to go losing the combover NewKilt.
24th April 07, 03:51 PM
I don't know about the rest of you, but the longer my hair gets, the less of it I appear to have. Keep it cropped about a 1 or 2 (clipper setting) winter months, could go down to wood couple times in the summer. Its been a couple years now, my buddies at work say they don't even remember me with hair now. It's not like we're hiding something its just realizing its your best option.
24th April 07, 08:01 PM
 Originally Posted by KiltedBill
When you're wearing a kilt, does anyone really look at your head?
Congrats on the new look. Personally, I think short hair and/or shaved heads look distinguished. 
I haven't noticed that anyone really looks at my head. The women next door (a 30 yr old stay at home mom) told me I looked good with my head shaved. Went to Wal-Mart today wearing a Stillwater Wallace Economy, black polo shirt, black socks rolled down, and white tennis shoes. Two men ask me if that was a kilt I was wearing - said it looked good, one man asked if I played bagpipes, one women said she really liked my kilt, and one man asked the name of the country wear the kilt is worn, and one man asked if I was Scottish.
For some reason my $44 Stillwater Wallace Economy seems to draw more attention than any other kilt that I own (including my made in Scotland 16 oz worsted wools.) Strange that.
24th April 07, 09:27 PM
Well, by a curious happenstance I've been thinking lately of getting out the clippers and just taking off what's left, at least for the summer. I just gave the dog his summer haircut today (Cocker Spaniel unshorn since mid-December. OMG there was a lot of hair on the floor!) but ran out of time to do myself. I think this thread could tip the balance. Someone should start a ne thread in "Show us your pics" just for those who got inspired by this thread to shave, or clip to nothing.
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
25th April 07, 04:42 AM
Sounds like a fun one Turpin. As soon as the damage I did to my head by ramming it into the top of a low basement door frame... heals. I'll put on a fresh shave and post it.
Right now my wife says I look like a fuzzy cueball if that gives you any idea.
EDIT: I just reread and you said inspired by this post. Maybe anyone who's done it could post as inspiration to rid themselves of the follicular fallacy.
25th April 07, 07:29 AM
I've been shaved bald for about 12 years now and with the exception of being cold in winter, it's the best. No more shampooing, going to the barber, trying to style (what I don't have enough of to style to begin with).
25th April 07, 07:30 AM
Although I do not have this issue (and if the whole mother's father thing is right, I will probably escape it), I just hope I never get to this point, and I hope none of you will either (consider yourself warned):
[B]Barnett[/B] (House, no clan) -- Motto [i]Virescit Vulnere Virtus[/i] (Courage Flourishes at a Wound)
[B]Livingston(e)[/B] (Ancestral family allied with) -- Motto [i]Se je puis[/i] (If I can)
[B]Anderson[/B] (married into) -- Motto [i]Stand Sure
[/i][b]Frame[/b] Lanarkshire in the fifteenth century
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