 Originally Posted by Dirk Skene
I will not be laughing at you that is for sure. Being OK with moths is a bit of a puzzel though. Do you know why butterflys but not moths?
Well, when it happened I was about 3 and unsupervised, so I freaked out and jumped in the pool to get rid of them.
Being that it was a hothouse dedicated to pretty butterflies, they were mostly of the lovely, colourful variety. And I think I just associate that with the bad experience.
With moths, they are usually pretty drab and not inclined to land anywhere near me. (Too busy flying around the lightbulb.)
Well, speaking as someone who's insane...I've found nothing that scares me anymore. While there are many unpleasant things that I don't wish to experience, or experience again. I've had spiders hit me in the face, a rattlesnake INCHES from my arm, water moccasins chase me, {shotguns are wonderful for ending that}, all manner of dead bodies, {search and rescue}. I guess I have a screwed up fight or flight mechanism. Mines stuck on fight.
"Zombies" I'll second that one for sure. The notion of something dead coming after you, in hopes of making you into a "meal" while you're still well and kicking is very disturbing.
One of my buddies (while we all like zombie flicks) is deathly afraid of the possibility. His notion (while not overly religious) is "what if the apocalypse is just a curse, and the dead will literally rise?"
 Originally Posted by pipebear333

Same here.
When I was 3, my parents took me to the Shrine Circus in Raleigh. They had the "Clown Parade" and one of the greasepainted monstrosities had a 10-foot neck with a HUUUUUUGE head on it. It came down in my face and I screamed ("Mummy, I may have soiled my linens"...)
Never trusted the festive bastards after that.
Yes...I have issues...
Extreme heights....like when I was standing at the edge of the drop-off at Mount Whitney, or a couple of the really narrow (2-3 feet wide) places on the trail to the summit....
2,000 feet straight down, right next to your foot. You won't even bounce on the way down, there's nothing in the way of free fall.
yup...don't do so good with that.
Also, falling off my boat when I'm sailing solo is a biggie. That's not a freak-out, that fear just inspires a mighty healthy respect for hanging on, wearing a safety harness and paying attention to what I'm doing.
 Originally Posted by Alan H
Extreme heights....like when I was standing at the edge of the drop-off at Mount Whitney, or a couple of the really narrow (2-3 feet wide) places on the trail to the summit....
2,000 feet straight down, right next to your foot. You won't even bounce on the way down, there's nothing in the way of free fall.
yup...don't do so good with that.
Also, falling off my boat when I'm sailing solo is a biggie. That's not a freak-out, that fear just inspires a mighty healthy respect for hanging on, wearing a safety harness and paying attention to what I'm doing.
I don't get a fear of heights, or a fear of falling. The sudden stop makes me a bit nervous, though. Generates that healthy respect for safety.
 Originally Posted by cloves
aliens...the ones referred to as "greys". They scare the crap out of me. Ever see the movie Communion? When that alien wraps it's long creepy fingers around the door and looks at Christopher Walken with it's big, black unblinking eyes...... *shudder*
Not afraid really...but I have had two dreams that are the same since I was a child and I'm 36 now. They're in one of the dreams. I always wake up scared like I've never been, shaking and sweating buckets. Can never go back to sleep either. Happens about thrice a year. Not saying anything happened, or what some of you are probably thinking, but it's just weird. Maybe I watched something on TV that scared the bejesus out of me when I was little. Something weird happened one night in Northern Michigan at my Grandparent's, where I spent my summers, that I will always remember, maybe it's that and my imagination causing the dreams... I don't know.
I am however scared to death of bugs. Spiders are ok, but stuff you see on TV, big bugs and centipedes creep me out big time. Not a real big fan of the dark sometimes, but my house is kinda haunted I think.
Interesting thread.
I can't add anything, I live in a place surrounded by nature...spiders, deadly snakes, I love great heights (as long as I am secure), I'd love to try skydiving.
I think meeting a White pointer while scubadiving would soil my wetsuit, but I've never met one. I did have a fear of deep water, but I took up scubadiving to help overcome that (it worked).
I don't have any fears, but I'm not fearless, I try to live carefully and not take unnecessary risks.
 Originally Posted by Graham
Interesting thread.
I can't add anything, I live in a place surrounded by nature...spiders, deadly snakes, I love great heights (as long as I am secure), I'd love to try skydiving.
I think meeting a White pointer while scubadiving would soil my wetsuit, but I've never met one. I did have a fear of deep water, but I took up scubadiving to help overcome that (it worked).
I don't have any fears, but I'm not fearless, I try to live carefully and not take unnecessary risks.
Ok, add really deep dark water to my list too. I swam out over a ledge when I was diving off Jamaica and although it wasn't terribly deep, I couldn't see anything below me but dark, cobalt blue water and I swam back to where I could see bottom as fast as I could. Get's my heart racing just talking about it.
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