The carving was done by hand, with the edges cleaned up with a dremel. It took me about 20 hours I guess.
I'm finding these projects to be very relaxing, & almost therapeutic. It satisfies my creative urge, but is totally unrelated to work.
 Originally Posted by Raptor
I'm finding these projects to be very relaxing, & almost therapeutic. It satisfies my creative urge, but is totally unrelated to work.
I'm not sure but I think that's the definition of a hobby...
Beautiful knife!
I'm jealous!!!!!
(If only I can make mine look 1/4 as nice.)
Raptor, I don't know if you hit a soft spot in my jarhead heart with your symbology or if it truly is that this is the most impressive sgain I've ever seen. Awesome job!!
That is really, very beautiful.
Good on ya, mate! And a nice job!
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
It's a shame that most of that beauty will be hidden in a sock.
Well, Red turned up at work yesterday, being on leave from up Far North for a week. He came over tonight for a few Glenkinchies ( & Cock O'The Norths as well!) so I presented him with his early birthday present. To say he got all emotional is an understatement. He hasn't worn his kilt since he left the pipe band, but he's thinking about dragging it out again. Until he does, he's making a stand out of some mahogany he has at home & displaying his new sgian on his desk at the barracks.
You are a great friend - and you've given your man Red a gift he can appreciate for the rest of his life - well done!
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