15th May 07, 08:28 AM
Ok - I don't really know what the correct techno-terms are but... I really wish the thread start date would be part of the "pop-up text" you get if you hover your cursor over a thread title in a topic list. If that make any sense at all...
15th May 07, 10:13 AM
I'm not concerned too much about old threads being brought up, especially if there is good information in the thread. My beef is the few-month old welcome threads that get "resurrected." The mods could totally lock welcome threads after a couple months. I mean, are "Welcome from such and such a place" posts really adding value after a couple months - initally ok, it's always nice to have a warm welcome. 
As for posts that are just old, I think we just have to ask ourselves as posters if we're adding value to the thread. A "Me too" 2 months after the discussion has petered out really isn't adding anything of value to an old thread.
I dunno, just more of my thoughts on the topic. Probably doesn't even have the value of 2 cents.
William Grant
Stand Fast Craigellachie!
15th May 07, 10:23 AM
walcome tae the rabble Rampant Lion!
15th May 07, 10:50 AM
 Originally Posted by Rampant Lion
The ones that really get me are the Welcome posts that are made months after the initial new member thread was started. I was thinking with these threads, that maybe the mods could lock them after a couple of months. I don't think anyone really needs to be "welcomed" after they've been a member for more than a couple months, do they?
 Originally Posted by pdcorlis
I totally agree - I don't get it, with all the new posts here each day how does anyone find the time to dig up a three year old "Welcome to XMarks" thread just to add a "Me Too"...?
 Originally Posted by turpin
I totally agree with the newbie thread locking...
 Originally Posted by Rampant Lion
My beef is the few-month old welcome threads that get "resurrected." The mods could totally lock welcome threads after a couple months. I mean, are "Welcome from such and such a place" posts really adding value after a couple months - initally ok, it's always nice to have a warm welcome.
Fellows, on 20 April I installed an add-on that would automatically lock threads older than thirty days, in the Kilt Newbie Section. We've been locking those threads for nearly a month. Hello...
 Originally Posted by Robin
I think it would be an impossible job for mods to decide what's a sensible revival of a topic and what's...less sensible.
Until we see what direction a resurrected thread is heading, it actually is impossible. And the fact remains that we're kept pretty busy around here dealing with all the other 'issues' that people throw at us, so when an older thread gets resurrected for reasonable discussion, its priority ranks somewhere down around zero.
 Originally Posted by Robin
The welcome posts...I don't see the problem. It's visible you replied to a post, so when it returns...don't bother checking it again.
I think this is a finer point that most members haven't noticed. Each and every thread on the forum has an icon next to it. If you see this icon -
- that arrow over the envelope indicates you've already replied to the thread at some earlier point in time. It's not a new thread, you've been there before.
 Originally Posted by mddock58
Most of us DO NOT look at the date the thread was started, we go read the new thread!
How can you know what has already transpired in a thread, if you are simply looking at the last post? If the thread doesn't look familiar, it's a simple matter of looking at the opening post date. That takes how long?
We've had some instances of older threads being pulled up and replied to, when it is painfully obvious the member has not taken the time to read through the thread. That often leads to nothing of any real value being added to the thread. Then again, if I were to start flagging up posts that are made without adding value, some of you might be surprised. 
It's really not that big an issue, so let's not make it one.
15th May 07, 11:02 AM
This is really very simple,
1. Stay logged into XMTS 24/7
2. Hit refresh Every minute to ensure you have "up-to-the-minute" threads.
This strategy has worked for me and it can work for you 
Disclaimer: occasionally a thread will slip by me and I rely on P1M to revive those without notice with a Welcome post
15th May 07, 11:58 AM
What is the big deal of revisiting a thread which is 2 years old? If the subject is still relevent, let's discuss it.
15th May 07, 12:09 PM
William Grant
Stand Fast Craigellachie!
15th May 07, 12:42 PM
 Originally Posted by cavscout
This is really very simple,
1. Stay logged into XMTS 24/7
2. Hit refresh Every minute to ensure you have "up-to-the-minute" threads.
This strategy has worked for me and it can work for you 
Now why didn't I think of that!
15th May 07, 03:41 PM
This topic has come up in SEVERAL thread recently. I started this one to let everyone "air out" their feelings (and my own).
Like I said before . . .
I have NO problem with a RELEVANT revival (How-to, update, new info, questions, etc.). I read the new posts and see what the interest is in the thread.
I get iritated ONLY when it seems COMPLETELY POINTLESS.
Tattoo Bradly,
This topic is in "OFF TOPIC" quite intentionally. The posts DO NOT count for ANY totals (any more). It is also, truly, "off topic" from kilts. Read and post (if you want) or ignore it.
My intent is to understand how and what people are thinking . . . no more, no less.
(Hence the range of smilies at the end of my first post.)
Are people getting good info out of the revived threads and I just need to sushi???
(One thing I LOVE about X Marks is that they LEAVE SO many old threads to show up in the searches. I use the search mechanism QUITE a bit.)
15th May 07, 03:43 PM
My suggestion was not to lock or moderate posting on old threads, but to have a pop-up when you go to post on them reminding you that the last post was X months or years ago, and do you still want to bring it forward. It would be up to the user to override the reminder, not the moderators. Jeez!
Convener, Georgia Chapter, House of Gordon (Boss H.O.G.)
Where 4 Scotsmen gather there'll usually be a fifth.
7/5 of the world's population have a difficult time with fractions.
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