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Thread: Orange tartans

  1. #1
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    Orange tartans

    As some of you may know I have Dutch ancestry on my mother's side (Mewhort). My ancestor was one of the 7,000 Dutch and Brandenburgers who supported Prince William of Orange in the Williamite Campaign against the Jacobites in Ireland, 1688 to 1691. He fell in love with an Irish lass and settled there. Ann and I hope to be heading to Northern Ireland next month to join the 90th birthday celebrations of a cousin of my mother's. The family gathering is to be held in Lurgan Castle. Built in the Elizabethan style for the Rt. Hon. Charles Brownlow in 1833, Lurgan Castle is the largest Orange Hall in the world, becoming the headquarters of the Imperial Grand Black Chapter of the British Commonwealth at the beginning of 1925. Historic passions still run very high in Ireland and as recently as 1996 the castle was attacked and burned by Irish republican sympathisers and against the advice of firemen, prominent orangemen entered the still smouldering premises and re-raised the Union standard. While I would very much like to attend the event kilted I will need to choose my tartan carefully in such company and such surroundings. Three tartans spring to mind:-
    Prince of Orange - This modern tartan honours the prince but is a modern tartan and I do not have a kilt in this tartan.
    Black Watch - Government sett ought to be OK but there have been clashes in recent years when Black Watch troops based in Northern Ireland have clashed with Ulster orangemen whose sentiments and actions were seen as over-zealous, so maybe not.
    Cunningham - My family name from my father's side. Interestingly in reading up on the Williamite Campaign I discovered that one of the four regiments of Enniskillen men who fought for William were Cunninghams, so I'm coming to the view that Cunningham might be an appropriate tartan to wear for the occasion.
    I'd be interested to hear the views of some of our tartan experts such as Matt Newsome and Cajunscot as to an appropriate tartan to wear.
    Please though, can we stick to a discussion on appropriate tartans and not descend into sectarian debate.
    Last edited by cessna152towser; 16th May 07 at 05:43 PM.
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    I'm not an expert, Alex, but I think that the Ulster or Ulster red would be great choices as well. Okay, maybe not helpful to throw more in the mix, but those would be my initial thoughts.

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    At least give a serious thought to the Irish saffron. If you ever saw CavScout in his, you'd want one too.
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  4. #4
    macwilkin is offline
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    Post tartans...

    Quote Originally Posted by cessna152towser View Post
    As some of you may know I have Dutch ancestry on my mother's side (Mewhort). My ancestor was one of the 7,000 Dutch and Brandenburgers who supported Prince William of Orange in the Williamite Campaign against the Jacobites in Ireland, 1688 to 1691. He fell in love with an Irish lass and settled there. Ann and I hope to be heading to Northern Ireland next month to join the 90th birthday celebrations of a cousin of my mother's. The family gathering is to be held in Lurgan Castle. Built in the Elizabethan style for the Rt. Hon. Charles Brownlow in 1833, Lurgan Castle is the largest Orange Hall in the world, becoming the headquarters of the Imperial Grand Black Chapter of the British Commonwealth at the beginning of 1925. Historic passions still run very high in Ireland and as recently as 1996 the castle was attacked and burned by Irish republican sympathisers and against the advice of firemen, prominent orangemen entered the still smouldering premises and re-raised the Union standard. While I would very much like to attend the event kilted I will need to choose my tartan carefully in such company and such surroundings. Three tartans spring to mind:-
    Prince of Orange - This modern tartan honours the prince but is a modern tartan and I do not have a kilt in this tartan.
    Black watch - Government sett ought to be OK but there have been clashes in recent years when Black watch troops based in Northern Ireland have clashed with Ulster orangemen whose sentiments and actions were seen as over-zealous, so maybe not.
    Cunningham - My family name from my father's side. Interestingly in reading up on the Williamite Campaign I discovered that one of the four regiments of Enniskillen men who fought for William were Cunninghams, so I'm coming to the view that Cunningham might be an appropriate tartan to wear for the occasion.
    I'd be interested to hear the views of some of our tartan experts such as Matt Newsome and Cajunscot as to an appropriate tartan to wear.
    If you have the Cunningham tartan, Alex, I would suggest that one, given the personal connection & the Cunninghams who served with William.

    For tartans you do not yet have, I would suggest The Ulster, the Prince of Orange and the Dutch tartan that Robin has been seen sporting around here as of recent. I really like the Ulster tartan because of its history.

    [Mod hat on now]Please, everyone, let's not let this thread drift into a discussion about "The Troubles" -- Alex has asked a very good question and I think it can be answered without getting into the turbulent politics and history of Ireland.[Mod hat off]



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    The new "Dutch Friendship" tartan is beautiful, the "Tartan of Holland" is very loud, but also very Dutch (red, white, blue and orange), the "Dutch MacKay" is obviously linked to the MacKays but it's a nice tartan.

    And the Dutch town Veere has it's own tartan called "Veere"

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    What about one of the Marton Mills Crest range of Irish County tartans? http://www.martonmills.com/


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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin View Post
    The new "Dutch Friendship" tartan is beautiful, the "Tartan of Holland" is very loud, but also very Dutch (red, white, blue and orange), the "Dutch MacKay" is obviously linked to the MacKays but it's a nice tartan.

    And the Dutch town Veere has it's own tartan called "Veere"

    Here are a few questions for you.:

    When is the "Dutch Friendship" tartan going to be available?

    Where will it be woven?

    I believe you had mentioned you were going to be a retailer for it? Is this correct?

    Bonus question!

    Any idea of the cost?


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    I'd avoid the Gov't sett, if ONLY to avoid any sectarian misunderstandings. (Personally, I think it's a darling tartan, kind of like the 2d Gen Camaros---if they'd been a Ferrari, say, instead of a GM product and thus on every streetcorner, they'd still be turning heads with their good looks.)

    With only a month left, that might well rule out a freshly tailored kilt, but if you've got a Cunningham on hand (or on hip!) I'd say go with it. Nice looking tartan, and good ties both ways (to you and Prince William).

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    The Dutch Friendship tartan is available.

    13oz (Lochcarron) 8 yards kilt €495,00
    16oz (Lochcarron) 8 yards kilt €505,00

    The fabric:
    10oz (140cm wide) per metre €40,15
    13oz (140cm wide) per metre €41,85
    16oz (140cm wide) per metre €42,15

    Matching "Dutch Tulip" kilt pin €22,00
    Last edited by Robin; 16th May 07 at 06:57 PM.

  10. #10
    macwilkin is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robin View Post
    The new "Dutch Friendship" tartan is beautiful, the "Tartan of Holland" is very loud, but also very Dutch (red, white, blue and orange), the "Dutch MacKay" is obviously linked to the MacKays but it's a nice tartan.

    And the Dutch town Veere has it's own tartan called "Veere"

    I neglected to mention Dutch Mackay, but it would also certainly be appropriate, since the Mackay Regiment saw service in the Low Countries for the Protestants during the 30 Year's War.


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