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  1. #931
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlen View Post

    At the recent cup final a great many Spaniards tried their hand at kilt wearing.
    While I say Kudos to them for trying, here's a great example of some of the mishaps.
    Aside form the polka-dotted disasters, we have another backwards kilt.
    Oh well, it was all in fun and I spoke to a few decent blokes who are now considering getting their own kilts.
    Exactly! Every kilted mistake, everyone wearing clan MacTablecloth, is an opportunity to share the love, to share the kilt, to share the tartan. Education, not mockery!

  2. #932
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zardoz View Post
    OK, I may regret asking this, but......
    I see guys wearing tails like that for years, generally with kilts, at faires and cons, even saw a couple at the games last week. I never really gave it any thought (other than it looks dumb IMO ) So in referance to the statement above about being "cuckolded", unless you are talking about the "wearing of horns", Is there some meaning about this affectation in faire culture that I am unaware of?
    The only thing I could find online was this:

    "If the fox tails ever meant anything, they don't mean anything any more. Although there's a somewhat historical story about 'flea furs' drawing flies away from one's eyes and face, the primary reason women wear them now is to hear somebody look at them and quip 'Nice tail!'"

    Best regards,

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Cossack View Post

    I think it's the horns, dude.
    Yeah, I realized that too. I was busy wondering about the tails and didn't make the horns= cuckhold connection. I have not had enough coffee today for my complete oversized vocabulary to kick in!

    I'll have to remember to bring that up at the next Sci-Fi con I go to! You always see several SCA's (socially crippled adults) running around with horns as part of their hall costumes etc... I'll tell them I'm sorry about their mates cheating etc.. and watch the fun and confusion!

    Still wondering about those damn tails though!
    Order of the Dandelion, The Houston Area Kilt Society, Bald Rabble in Kilts, Kilted Texas Rabble Rousers, The Flatcap Confederation, Kilted Playtron Group.
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  4. #934
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    The tails are an affectation donned by many in what is called the "Furry" scene. I refuse to go into it on a family friendly board, you can google it for yourself.

  5. #935
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erisianmonkey View Post
    The tails are an affectation donned by many in what is called the "Furry" scene. I refuse to go into it on a family friendly board, you can google it for yourself.
    There was a CSI episode about Puffies and Furries. The daughter of a friend of mine played a corpse.

    We now return you to "Kilt Dos and Don'ts." Please excuse the hijack.
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  6. #936
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zardoz View Post
    ...I'll have to remember to bring that up at the next Sci-Fi con I go to! You always see several SCA's (socially crippled adults) running around with horns as part of their hall costumes etc... I'll tell them I'm sorry about their mates cheating etc.. and watch the fun and confusion!
    Exactly! So many people don't get the reference and when you explain it to them...


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  7. #937
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erisianmonkey View Post
    The tails are an affectation donned by many in what is called the "Furry" scene. I refuse to go into it on a family friendly board, you can google it for yourself.
    Oh, please. Like any other fringe group, including kilt wearers, there is an entire range of people who label themselves "furry." It's just that the more extream ones are presented in the media, while the more main-stream ones are ignored. It's more fun to point at the extreamists and say, "Oooh, what a bunch of wierdos!"

  8. #938
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. MacDougall View Post
    Oh, please. Like any other fringe group, including kilt wearers, there is an entire range of people who label themselves "furry." It's just that the more extream ones are presented in the media, while the more main-stream ones are ignored. It's more fun to point at the extreamists and say, "Oooh, what a bunch of wierdos!"
    I must be out of the loop, because i have no clue what "Furry" is supposed to mean. I had a hard enough time a few years ago when I heard someone ask some kid if he was an Emo. To which I responed "Does he look like a flightless bird from Australia". and they said "No it's a new type of grundge scene, kind of like Gothic, or Punk."

    So does "Furry" have some hidden meaning that I'm not aware of?

  9. #939
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayin McFye View Post
    So does "Furry" have some hidden meaning that I'm not aware of?
    To quote Wikipedia's article on the subject, "Furry fandom is a subculture distinguished by its enjoyment of anthropomorphic animal characters. Examples of anthropomorphism in the furry fandom include the attribution of human intelligence and facial expressions, speech, bipedalism, and the wearing of clothes. Members of this subculture are sometimes known as furry fans, furries, or simply furs."

    Some furries enjoy thinking of themselves as part-animal, thus the wearing of tails, horns, and / or ears.

  10. #940
    You realise it's only a matter of time until someone tries to establish the ultimate fringe-group: furries in kilts & starfleet jumpers, with loads of black eyeshadow...

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