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  1. #941
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    Well, Montgomery Scott did wear his kilt with his dress uniform tunic in the original series....

  2. #942
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. MacDougall View Post
    To quote Wikipedia's article on the subject, "Furry fandom is a subculture distinguished by its enjoyment of anthropomorphic animal characters. Examples of anthropomorphism in the furry fandom include the attribution of human intelligence and facial expressions, speech, bipedalism, and the wearing of clothes. Members of this subculture are sometimes known as furry fans, furries, or simply furs."

    Some furries enjoy thinking of themselves as part-animal, thus the wearing of tails, horns, and / or ears.
    ROFLMAO! That's hilarious. Thank you MacDougall!

  3. #943
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    Panache clears throat ....


    Let's keep things related to kilts and let different horses run on different courses.

    Thank you gentlemen


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  4. #944
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    WOOHOO!!! I finally finished this thread and it only took me a week

    Some of the pics (and comments) were just too funny. I was reading some at work and my coworkers would look at me funny when I would bust out loud laughing. But seriously, there are several good examples of what to and what not to do in this thread. For example, I have learned that the kilt pin doesn't actually hold the bottom flaps together but is merely an ornamentation and may damage the kilt if done improperly. I think the best thing about it is seing the various combinations of clothing and kilts so you can get an idea of what certain combinations may look like before you subject the poor, unwitting public to your choices. The tartan coat is a perfect example for me. I may have considered getting one but after seeing what the whole ensemble looks like I'm afraid I'll have to be a Conscientious Objector.
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  5. #945
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    Quote Originally Posted by emolas View Post
    WOOHOO!!! I finally finished this thread and it only took me a week

    Some of the pics (and comments) were just too funny. I was reading some at work and my coworkers would look at me funny when I would bust out loud laughing. But seriously, there are several good examples of what to and what not to do in this thread. For example, I have learned that the kilt pin doesn't actually hold the bottom flaps together but is merely an ornamentation and may damage the kilt if done improperly. I think the best thing about it is seing the various combinations of clothing and kilts so you can get an idea of what certain combinations may look like before you subject the poor, unwitting public to your choices. The tartan coat is a perfect example for me. I may have considered getting one but after seeing what the whole ensemble looks like I'm afraid I'll have to be a Conscientious Objector.
    I'm glad it helped. To see how it SHOULD be done, go to the pics section and check the threads on formal, dressy and casual wear.
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  6. #946
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob C. View Post
    I'm glad it helped. To see how it SHOULD be done, go to the pics section and check the threads on formal, dressy and casual wear.
    noo Bob- there arr alsa many guid DO piccies oan this thried tae...

    it is no all DINNAE piccies....

    here is anither DO....

    DO match yurt tartan tae the Clan o' the castle ya arr stormin'...

    (in this case- Grey Douglas Tartan & Threave Castle, the Black Douglas' castle)

  7. #947
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    Can we get back on topic?

    A quick search on google images to bring us all back to kilt do's and dont's:

    exhibit 1: DO visit the kilt cliffs on Skye...and would someone PLEASE post a picture with them wearing a kilt in front of these amazing cliffs?:

    exhibit 2: DO wear your kilt to work when doing the special fx on a TV show:

    exhibit 3: DONT curtsey in a kilt...just dont:

    exhibit 4: This is a DONT...and I am not sure where to start:

    exhibit 5: DO have fun with the age old question, especially at your own 80th birthday party :-):

    exhibit 6: DO get yer kids into kilt wearing early, and let them have fun!

    exhibit 7: DO have a pretty lass help you with your kilt:

    exhibit 8: DO or DONT dress your garden gnome in a mini utilikilt?!?

    OK, now we are hopefully back on topic.....now go find more fun pictures!!!!!!!
    Last edited by ozone; 27th May 07 at 06:43 PM. Reason: some pics not appropriate...sorry
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  8. #948
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    AND Finally: DO wear a kilt whilst building a trebuchet...just 'cause

    That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.
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  9. #949
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    If you're big enough to not wear diapers anymore, DO remember that you're not wearing diapers anymore.

  10. #950
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    .....Just a minute thats Graham...isn't it
    All the Best.....David.
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