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All my kilts have always fitted perfectly upon delivery.
A few have been a disappointment in the fitting.
Uh, it happens more than I (usually) like to admit...
3rd June 07, 07:29 PM
All three of my kilts are off the peg "casual" kilts. Apparently I'm about a 31... One of them is a 30, and is quite snug. another is a 32 and is always sliding down. The third is a 32 and fits great... Just goes to show, different makers have different sizes.
4th June 07, 02:46 AM
Even though I gave the same measurements (waist and seat) for all the kilts I ordered...none is exactly the same, but all fit very nice and some fit like "WOW!"
The BarbT build Xmarks kilt is by far the best made kilt I own....superb craftwomanship. I received countless compliments about how it's made and how it looks....a perfect fit.
Good communication with the kiltmaker pays off...and of course the skills of the kiltmaker.
5th June 07, 10:49 AM
I guess I have been lucky. I have never had a problem...knock on wood (hitting head)
5th June 07, 11:22 AM
I always go by the old carpenter's advise - MEASURE TWICE, CUT ONCE
In a democracy it's your vote that counts; in feudalism, it's your Count that votes.
5th June 07, 01:01 PM
For my first "real" wool kilt I went to the local Scottish shop to get fitted. I wanted to make sure it would fit correctly. They must have expected me to gain a lot of weight. The kilt that I got ten weeks later could slide right off over my hips. (at least that was easier to fix than the other guy who picked up his kilt the same day. Some one apparently expected him to grow five inches in height!) Not only did the kilt not fit but they clerk just shrugged and said I must have lost weight, it wasn't their responsibility. The silver linning though is the fact that they sent me to a local gal who refitted the kilt to me and did such a good job that she has made two more excellent kilts for me.
Quondo Omni Flunkus Moritati
5th June 07, 01:51 PM
Measuring the "right way" is definitely important.
Both of my kilts (tanks) fit like a glove. Both kilts were purchase at a local shoppe, the first was the from the Celtic Craft Centre is San Francisco in 2000 and I just received my second from the Highland Scottish Gift Shoppe here is Calgary.
I have the copies of the sheets of paper that had my measurements written on them. The only difference in the measurements was 0.5" at the waist and 2" at the hips. My first kilt was measured tighter at the hips, but the allowance for sitting was made when the kilt was made. My first kilt fits me perfect on the smallest setting; I had to convince them that I wasn't going to get any larger as I got older (I'm very slim) and that my size wasn't going to change.
My latest kilt fits at the just-smaller-than-the-middle setting so I have room to shrink or grow. I doubt either will happen.
The nice thing about having these two sets of measurements and having them be so close is that I will feel more comfortable ordering a kilt online, which will save me some $$$ if I ever go for kilt number 3.
Measuring is definitely important. Ask your kiltmaker how s/he likes measurements taken. I got two different hip measurements, but both kilts fit the same.
William Grant
Stand Fast Craigellachie!
5th June 07, 02:01 PM
My first kilts from a new kiltmaker have sometimes been off in waist or length. Once I have the first kilt then its easy to adjust from there....that's ordering on line of course, not being measured by the kiltmaker.
Ol' Macdonald himself, a proud son of Skye and Cape Breton Island
Lifetime Member STA. Two time winner of Utilikiltarian of the Month.
"I'll have a kilt please, a nice hand sewn tartan, 16 ounce Strome. Oh, and a sporran on the side, with a strap please."
8th June 07, 02:59 PM
I haven't had any problems. When ordering online for casual kilts I've meticulously followed the website's measuring instructions & generally they recommend having someone else do the measuring rather than yourself. It's worked for me.
For my first "real" kilt, I went to our local kilt emporium (Arizona Kilts) & got fitted by someone knowledge about such stuff. Once I got dependable & accurate measurements for my first kilt, it's made it real easy to order others.
Happiness? I'd settle for being less annoyed!!!
"I used to be disgusted; now I try to be amused." - Declan MacManus
Member of the Clan Donnachaidh Society
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