16th June 07, 06:40 AM
Just remember:
For every door that is closed to you, there will be another door opened for you.
16th June 07, 08:57 AM
16th June 07, 12:06 PM
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. Had a steady girl from the age of 15, and thought no two people could be more in love.
Just as we were about to graduate from University and get engaged at my 21st birthday she upped and off to the other end of the country with a mutual friend whom I'd never considered a love rival - infact he later had a sex change and became a woman. She left it to her dad to break the news. She never did get in touch to divide up the joint property we'd put aside for our future - she kept what she held and I kept what was at my parents' house. My big mistake in life was seeing this as a temporary rift in a bond which was too strong to break, rather than recognising the relationship was at an end and I went on for almost a decade forever trying to spot her in the crowd, expecting a knock on the door, waiting for that 'phone call, then when I eventually met a look alike I married her within a few weeks. The marriage only lasted a few weeks and led to a messy divorce which took much longer to go through than the short time we'd spent together, though she fell pregnant on the honeymoon as a result of which I have a now adult daughter, whom I've never had much contact with other than during the four years when she was at university. Only then could I see the way clear to become involved with my dear firend Ann, whom I had known since I was 23. Being married to Ann later in life we had no children and I often regret not moving on from my teenage sweetheart much sooner than I did. Yes, you will grieve for a long time, but the best thing will be to let yourself move on, maybe in six months or a year, rather than expecting the situation to resolve itself. Yes you will be in prayers tonight. I can fully empathise with what you must be going through.
Regional Director for Scotland for Clan Cunningham International, and a Scottish Armiger.
16th June 07, 05:36 PM
 Originally Posted by Yeti
Anyone who cares to, please say a prayer for me.
I've just gone through a very emotional and difficult break-up with my fiancee' of 7 months (girlfriends of 1.5 years).
Thank you.
Buck up, things will work out for the best, one way or another. In the mean time I pray you receive a bit of peace.
[B]Paul Murray[/B]
Kilted in Detroit! Now that's tough.... LOL
16th June 07, 06:22 PM
Hey Yeti,
Brother, I know what you are going through. I'll echo what others have already said, and say that it is probably for the best. I went through a hideously painful break up a few years ago that left me decided never to date again, much less let myself fall for anyone. Then I met Helena. We started dating, swearing to ourselves and each other that it was nothing serious. Within six months we were married, and we've been together to this day. (and many beyond...) It's hard to hear when you're down, I know, but if you keep on keepin' on, you'll make it through man.
16th June 07, 07:18 PM
16th June 07, 07:33 PM
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Been there when I was about your age, been married 17 years this month...
 Originally Posted by Raphael
Just remember:
For every door that is closed to you, there will be another door opened for you.
Or if that doesn't seem possible, a wise woman once expressed it to me this way. Now you have to imagine hearing this in a fairly thick, central-Carolina Southern accent:
"God doesn't close one door without at least crackin' a window somewhere else."
Ken Sallenger - apprentice kiltmaker, journeyman curmudgeon,
gainfully unemployed systems programmer
16th June 07, 07:35 PM
Will light a candle for you.
Just take it easy and let everything settle down, try not to grab at a new GF on the rebound too soon - only makes things worse later. Some things just aren't meant to come together like we'd want.
In time to come you'll look back on this time and actually be thankful that things turned out this way, although it hurts like hell right now.
Just keep on truckin' and be patient with yourself. We're all rootin' for you!
16th June 07, 08:11 PM
Thank you for all your prayers, thoughts, advice, and encouragement...
Things are doing ok...I've been working like a dog, so I haven't had much time to think about it. Monday is my day off, however, and I'll be doing some hard searching and evaluating...it will be a hard day.
Until then, I just keep on keeping on...
17th June 07, 11:02 AM
Be assured of my prayers for you.
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