Quote Originally Posted by Don Patrick View Post

Great looking pleats. Who made that kilt? What is the weight of that kilt - 16 oz? How many times worn before dry cleaning? Any special issues/problems when dry cleaning - such as pleats. Do they have to be pinned up?

Sorry for twenty questions.
Made by ME. Not yet cleaned extensively, just a couple inside "quick washes" (garden hose). (Should I have admitted that) WHEN I clean it, it will be in the tub with woolite. Then, I will probably have to repress it (like I did when I first made it).
It is 16 oz worsted wool (the tail end of a special run of Carolina tartan for a band). I actually PREFER heavier wool for box-pleats. My 13 oz ones (I have 2) are used more as "beaters," as they do not hold a pleat as well, stay down as well with wind, nor "feel" significantly (enough to notice) cooler. I have some 18 oz wool coming and REALLY want to see what that feels like with a box pleat in the Southern heat (may end up as NEXT summer's heat at my present kilt-making pace).