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  1. #11
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    Thread Tags - addendum

    I forgot to mention the Thread Tag system is very easily customized, so I've decided to leave out forums like the Newbie forum and the Forum Issues forum. We're looking for content centered on the purpose for this forum's existence, so there's no need to tag threads saying welcome or asking how something works.

    Tags will be graciously accepted in all forums requesting them however.

    Will somebody please wake Panache up, so he can get back to work!!

    No rest for the wicked...

  2. #12
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    Thanks for the clear explanation, Mike. I just wonder if this thread would be good posted as an announcement, rather than left in the semi-obscurity of off-topic?

    Best regards

  3. #13
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    Panache is bound and gagged in the back of the room!!??!! There are so many things I want to say/do that are so completely inappropriate!


    Be well,

  4. #14
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    Steve, there is nothing obscure about this forum section. I'll bump it if need be. However, experience has shown most members use this forum to the exclusion of most others.

  5. #15
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    Not relevant
    Last edited by Avonlea22; 22nd June 07 at 05:55 PM.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avonlea22 View Post
    So basically, you're trying to get a higher page rank so that more members sign up/visit and create more revenue through advertising, right?

    It really has nothing to do with the promotion and education of wearing a kilt?
    Not at all. It's about promoting the site and in turn promoting the wearing of the kilt and all that comes with it. There is a fountain of information on this site, and I know I for one greatly appreciated that information in my early days of kilt wearing. Of course when I started the only two forums were Tom's cafe and Bravehearts and neither had the experienced members that Xmarks has right now. Just look at the DIY section for an perfect example of this. If it increases sales for our sponsors I am sure they will not complain about that.

    Please remember that this is a free site and that the advertising dollars allow it to remain free. I think you guys forget that we do this for free, and I don't recall hearing about Hank getting rich from this site. I am sure Hank or Mike could explain this better, but Hank is on his yacht in the mediteranian right now and Mike was only checking in from his castle in the Highlands

  7. #17
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    Perhaps it doesn't come up on a search for "kilts" but I find this site very often on searches of a more specific nature. Frequently this site comes up as the number one source for certain pieces of information. Just off the top of my head I can remember my daughter asking the other day about which tartan Rowdy Roddy Piper wore. I didn't know so I googled it and lo and behold there was a thread here about it and it came up #1 (even though the question was never answered). This is not to say that we don't need more exposure, I just wanted to point out that these forums are a wealth of information and search engines know it.
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
    I think you guys forget that we do this for free, and I don't recall hearing about Hank getting rich from this site.

  9. #19
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    Interesting thread. Right down my line of work. I will say not all search engines are equal though. Quite a few still do not use bots and expect you to apply to them to attach your web site to their search engine. Yahoo being one of those (excepting the fact Yahoo is not technically a search engine).

    I'm am curious whether these are meta tags or some kind of new tags.

    Understanding this technology is certainly an opportunity to better market the web site.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Colin View Post
    I am sure Hank or Mike could explain this better, but Hank is on his yacht in the mediteranian right now and Mike was only checking in from his castle in the Highlands.
    Actually Mike and I are at my place in St Tropez. Internet is intermittent at this point (picking up a wireless signal on the beach isnt that easy...)

    Did someone say something about kilts? Bah.
    Beannacht Dé,
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