22nd June 07, 08:19 AM
 Originally Posted by ronstew
The one thing it had going for it was the song, a variation of the Bobby Darin version of Mac the Knife. Of course, many people don't realise that the older song is about a hit man/serial killer. You want creepy?
That's true. It's such a catchy tune that most people don't really listen to the words. It's actually a fairly violent song. But it does have a nice comparison between sharks and Mac.
And Bobby Darin kicked ***.
Sapienter si sincere Clan Davidson (USA)
Bydand Do well and let them say...GORDON! My Blog
" I'll have a scotch on the rocks. Any scotch will do as long as it's not a blend of course. Single malt Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps maybe a Glen... any Glen." -Swingers
22nd June 07, 08:44 AM
 Originally Posted by beowulf67
 That's true. It's such a catchy tune that most people don't really listen to the words. It's actually a fairly violent song. But it does have a nice comparison between sharks and Mac.
And Bobby Darin kicked ***. 
If you want to get some of the creepy vibe, find the version by Sting and Dominic Muldowney...it's on this album (sadly out of press, it seems...):
...the lyric translation is a bit more literal. There was also a production of Threepenny Opera on Broadway a year or two ago that featured Alan Cumming and Cyndi Lauper...trust Alan to bring out the creepy side of Mack the Knife:
This may be a bit on the "PG" side, ratings wise...
22nd June 07, 09:45 AM
I guess I'm too young to know about Mac the Knife.
22nd June 07, 10:36 AM
From the ever-useful Wiki
"Mack the Knife", originally "Die Moritat von Mackie Messer", is a song composed by Kurt Weill with
lyrics by Bertolt Brecht for their music drama Die Dreigroschenoper, or, as it is known in English, The Threepenny Opera. It premiered in Berlin in 1928. The song has become a pop standard.
The Threepenny Opera
A moritat is a medieval version of the murder ballad performed by strolling minstrels, from mori meaning "deadly" and tat meaning "deed". In The Threepenny Opera, the moritat singer with his street organ introduces and closes the drama with the tale of the deadly Mackie Messer, or Mack the Knife, a character based on the dashing highwayman Macheath in John Gay's The Beggar's Opera. The Brecht-Weill version was less dashing and much more cruel and sinister and has been transformed into a modern anti-hero.
Here's Bobby Darren singing it: http://youtube.com/watch?v=CBTITHA8twI
Not my favorite version, but no doubt the most popular.
Other versions can be seen here.
That performance you posted by Alan Cummings was something!
Best regards,
[B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]
22nd June 07, 11:13 AM
 Originally Posted by Monkey@Arms
That performance you posted by Alan Cummings was something!
Best regards,
...and he's a Scot! He can really turn off the accent for some performances but you can really hear it on this one.
22nd June 07, 03:52 PM
 Originally Posted by beowulf67
I think Burger King is trying to play up to a gay audience. Watch the breakfast commercial where the man wakes up and rolls over and the king is in bed with him. There are a couple of others that have subtle things that imply it, at least that's how I see it.
I'm probably totally wrong on this, but that is the impression I get from the commercials.
That would explain the Lumberjack then
ya know the song..."I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I work all night and sleep all day"
*not to be confused w/ Jackyl's song "The Lumberjack Song"*
"A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye"
23rd June 07, 06:30 AM
 Originally Posted by Erisianmonkey
Next to spiders, that Burger King mascot is my second all time biggest fear. I have insane nightmares whenever I see that thing more than twice in one day. It has got to the point where I will not eat at Burger King until they kill it off. I would go to their website and tell them this, but I really don't want the nightmares from being faced with the thing. Oh well, I don't eat much fast food anyway.
Mac Tonight never bothered me though. I had a several dreams with him in them though. Usually hanging out with Max Headroom and, for some unknown reason, Ray Charles.
OK, NEW horror thought: Giant spider with giant burger king head. Standing there when you wake up, holding your last meal; a whopper with spider legs sticking out from the bun!  Now I need a good stiff drink!
23rd June 07, 10:06 PM
24th June 07, 10:17 AM
 Originally Posted by obuchiteck
Oh Lord...that is hilarious!
24th June 07, 11:23 AM
Ahhh...you have taken me back to my childhood! I remember that big, scary moon guy! I also remember people having a tiny logo of him on their sunglasses (must have gotten them at McDonald's, I suppose!).
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