28th June 07, 09:22 PM
Watch out!!!
well, this is a warning for all you guys that are into wood working. its actually 2 warnings.
1) keep your tools razor sharp. it hurts less, and the cut is clean!
2) don't cut plywood with a gouge... 
so, I got lucky! I was in the urgent care for 45 minutes. the doc said that I cut through the skin, through the fat, through the sugar lair, and strait into the muscle, but completely avoiding the tinden. very lucky no permenant damage.
and of course with the lovely use of a cell phone, I give you the hand now dubbed "gimpy":


yes, there is a turnikit on it, it wouldn't stop that bleeding thing!
well, looks like I am out of the shop for a while. and I can't even play video games. 
Be warned!!!
[SIZE="1"]"It's the job thats never started that takes the longest to finish. Thats what my old Gaffer used to say." - Samwise Gamgie, J.R.R. Tolkein[/SIZE]
29th June 07, 07:41 AM
Yeesh! Man that looks painful. I just did something similar except I did it by tripping over the dog while carrying a satellite TV box and landing on my tile hearth. I broke the sat box, sliced open my finger on both sides but luckily didn't break the finger.
Ya gotta be careful everywhere!
29th June 07, 07:57 AM
29th June 07, 08:16 AM
Pain is temporary
glory is forever
Scars heal
Chicks Dig Scars 
Funny story. There’s this lady I work with. She’s kind of a spas. Well she had a party and me and my wife had to drive to burbs. When we got there she was leaving to the hospital. She sliced her thumb trying to open a pkg of cheese with a freaking serrated knife.
She cut her tendon and had to wear this cast looking thing for 6 weeks. They also had to do surgery to reattach the tendon.
29th June 07, 08:26 AM
OUCH!! I always say if you are going to cut yourself use a sharp knife and if you want to cut someone else use a dull knife .
(not a suggestion to cut others)
29th June 07, 08:34 AM
 Originally Posted by Kiltferone
OUCH!! I always say if you are going to cut yourself use a sharp knife and if you want to cut someone else use a dull knife  .
(not a suggestion to cut others)
So I should not sharpen my Dirk????
I was only going to cut my Steak.
Very Sir Lord MrBill the Essential of Happy Bottomshire
Listen to kpcw.org
Every other Saturday 1-4 PM
29th June 07, 08:40 AM
hahaha! well, the pain blocker shot wore off around 3 AM. thats when it really started to hurt. and I can't really move it without the pain of 1000 bees stinging me in the hand. but I will live.
[SIZE="1"]"It's the job thats never started that takes the longest to finish. Thats what my old Gaffer used to say." - Samwise Gamgie, J.R.R. Tolkein[/SIZE]
29th June 07, 08:44 AM
I've got a fun one.
Boy Scout camping trip. I think it was 9th or 10th grade, but I don't remember.
I can tell you it involved a collapsible camp shovel. One of the nice ones without the rounded edges on the shaft of the shovel. And it was my job to dig out the fire pit. It wasn't terribly serious, but it bled like crazy and I have a spot on the tip of my thumb without finger print.
You got lucky in the ER though. I once spent 6 hours or so in the ER after dis-locating my buddies elbow. We were sparring and I caught his first kick, he went for a jumping round house and blew the landing by fully extending his arm. It was not fun, especially since we were supposed to go to a B.B. King concert that night and ended up missing it.
29th June 07, 08:52 AM
You know Casey, a real man would have pulled a loose thread from the underside of his kilt liner, found and old sewing needle and sewn it up himself and promptly went back to work... 
Hope you heal quickly.
29th June 07, 09:05 AM
As far as hand injuries go, I've got a real winner. I was working in a supermarket, and we had a machine that compressed and baled cardboard boxes. One evening I had noticed that the box baler was full, so I was getting everything ready to eject the bale of compressed cardboard. The last step was to go around to the back of the machine and put the ejection hook on the press head of the baler so that it would tip the bale out onto a pallet. Just as I got the hook onto the press head, my coworker- thinking I had set the thing up and had to run to the bathroom or something- started the press head up. My hand, wrapped around a steel hook got pulled through a 1 1/2 inch opening. I got to go to the hospital for about four hours while they poked prodded and xrayed my hand. I, and just about everyone else involved was utterly amazed. I did not get a single broken bone. The ligaments in two fingers on my right hand were damaged, but not permanently, some of the soft tissue on the side of my middle finger was damaged permanently, and all four fingers on the hand were sprained. Two weeks of full time worker's comp. and two more of light duty (which basically meant don't tell anyone you're actually doing your regular work, we're just letting you come back now because worker's comp won't pay you for the next two weeks of no duty.)
Hey, CWR, I hope you aren't left handed, 'cause when I had that injury to my right I went absolutely APE! I mean, smacking myself in the head with the cast 'cause I forgot about it when I went to scratch, and all that. We won't even get into trying to drive a stickshift or sign a check so I could make a purchase...
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