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  1. #11
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    Words fall short - you are in our hearts.

  2. #12
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    Hey Scott, I feel your pain. No, really I do. It has been one of those years on this side as well. The latest being a 19 y/o friend and team mate of my son. The pain can be crushing and words start to fail in easing the pain.

    Take hold of those that are still here....hold tight, especially to the little ones.


  3. #13
    starbkjrus's Avatar
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    Scott, I'm not very good with comforting words but know that you are in my thoughts.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  4. #14
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    You're in my thoughts and prayers
    Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none. Benjamin Franklin
    Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear. Mark Twain

  5. #15
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    Several others, especially Archangel have said it well. I will only add two small things; it's OK to tell your friends when you're hurting, even if you know they can't fix it. Also, "blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted".

    in Him,
    [SIZE="2"][B]From the Heart of Midlothian...Texas, that is![/B][/SIZE]

  6. #16
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    Hey Scott,

    Lost my grandfather not long ago; he lasted two years after his mate of a half-century passed. I know how you're feeling, a bit. It's not easy letting go of those who've helped define your world for your entire life....
    - The Beertigger
    "The only one, since 1969."

  7. #17
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    Just make sure that you do not imbibe too much. It does not hurt, but might make you feel better to talk to someone.. a good friend, therapist, and EAP (employee assistance program). There is nothing wrong with talking to someone about your loss.

    I do hope that you will have sunny skies head you !!!
    on the one hand
    I am a [B]perfectly ordinary[/B] human being
    on the other
    I am a [B]kilt-wearing karaoke king[/B]
    with a passion for kiwis

  8. #18
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    You and your family will be in my prayers tonight.

  9. #19
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    So sorry to hear about all the sadness. (It's o.k. yell at God a bit, I do it all the time; - the nuns used to say "He's big enough, He can take it, just make sure you apologise when things settle down").
    In my family it always happens in threes, and your three is now done. So I'll light a candle for you all that you get some 'breathing space' for a long while, and that your grandma will manage o.k.

  10. #20
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    the night I wrote the OP , I had a total of 5 "smitty's " over the course of 3 1/2 hrs. so over indulgence is not an issue.

    I have a few friends who I talk to ( one of which is a forensic psycologist) and believe it or not ...typing out a little rant on a forum that knows the history of whats gone on in the past 4-5 months has been a a big help. some might say I'm a..... well..... lets just say wimp ( usually they use a word thats) because I will say how I'm feeling, or talk through the emotions that I have about a given situation ( whe apropriate of course) but when I was younger I would bottle up everything I felt till it would come to a head and someone ( emotionally), or something(physically) would get hurt/broke. I found that I didnt like myself when that happened, and even just saying " this #$$*ING SUCKS" seemed to help.
    so there you have it..... I feel a little better today, the pain I feel for my Grandpa is.....not so much less than for my mom, but different. since I learned about mortality as a kid, and realized that everyone dies, I kind of prepared myself for what would happen ( hell at my mom's service I told a few friends that her dying was gonna kill my grandfather) but it still hurt seeing this man of 87 years ...that just a few months ago was still working on his back hoe digging a leach field for a septic tank, and up untill a month ago would take his ATV out for a spin about every day, laid out on a gurney with a ET tube in his nose.

    and seeing my grandma's face when she asked ME her 4th or 5th grandson over her son and daughter "am I doing the right thing by pulling the plug?"

    and having to explain that a massive bleed in the brain is a one way trip, that he will NEVER come back , and will always be on a ventilation machine....and YES she was doing the right thing because thats what he wanted.

    well ......it #$@%ING sucked

    there is going to be a wake, no funeral....my grandma donated his body to the UofA for science....another one of my grandfather's wishes. he hoped that by donating his body they might learn something of the disease process , and be able to help others.....that and being the Scottish bastard he was ( my grandma's quote) he didnt want us to have to pay for a Funeral .....lets just say he was "frugal"

    I will miss him , but I know my mom was waiting at the door to take him to the party, and he's up there drinking his Clan McGregor scotch whiskey out of a plastic bottle ( like I said .....he's frugal!! ) and telling mom about how Gavin started crawling, and Kira's being a holy 2 y.o. terror.
    and how I told him to say Hi for me when he got there.

    Irish diplomacy: is telling a man to go to he)) in such a way that he looks forward to the trip!

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