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  1. #21
    Join Date
    2nd March 04
    Dallas - Ft. Worth area, Texas
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayin McFye View Post

    I just reread his original post, and it did say "use leftover juice" Not the juice from the dog mix. I think i just read it quick and my mind fill in the gaps. I did understand that it was a mix for a bloody mary, i just thought that he said after bathing the dog pour it into a glass and add some vodka.

    Right!! That'll put hair on your chest!!

    Errrr . . . ummm . . . something like that!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    11th February 06
    Upper Peninsula of Michigan
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    If your house still smells of skunk, inside, put out some dishes of vinegar. Use a glass dish or pie pan not aluminum as the vinegar will eat through that. It worked for us.


    You don't have to be Scottish to be comfortable!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    27th June 05
    London, Ontario, Canada
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    Quote Originally Posted by The F-H.C.A.G. View Post
    Just FYI, the only way to "test" for rabies is to chop off the dog's head and send it into a lab for microscopic exam (Can't tell you how many times people have asked me about "testing" for rabies. They generally change their minds pretty quick when I tell them how it is done! ). I would recommend a booster on the rabies vaccine and quarantine IF there is any evidence the dog was bitten. Otherwise, especially if there is a current rabies vaccine on board, should be fine.

    Oh, and by the way, the only reason for the tomato juice is the acidity. The other mixture works better, but NOTHING works completely, except time.

    Be well,
    Coming to Canada from Scotland, we had to have all these needles. I asked my mum what they were for. She, probably really frustrated trying to get four kids, 4, 5, 6, and 8, under control, told me rabies shots. I came to Canada thinking I had been vaccinated against rabies. There were many times I would step up to move wild animal in daylight, or injured, because I was protected. Well, I guess I was protected because I never got it, but it wasn't the shots that protected me.
    I trust my mother too much.

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