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  1. #11
    Join Date
    26th August 06
    Elgin, IL. USA
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    Decided to give Ubuntu a quick try after using Mepis since I switched, haven't stopped using it for about a month now, it's blew me away. This is also the first time I have used Gnome and liked, nay, LOVED it. Beryl and emerald rule Perldog, give them a try as soon as you can.

    Elive was very sweet the last time I used it, will have to try it again. Someone released a beta of Linux Mint with enlightenment (E17) installed, looked nice but was very beta. I need to check up on Ebuntu and see if they are making progress.
    In Scotland, there is no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes. - Billy Connolly

  2. #12
    Join Date
    23rd May 07
    Central Delaware U.S.
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacTavishOfJapan View Post
    Decided to give Ubuntu a quick try after using Mepis since I switched, haven't stopped using it for about a month now, it's blew me away. This is also the first time I have used Gnome and liked, nay, LOVED it. Beryl and emerald rule Perldog, give them a try as soon as you can.

    Elive was very sweet the last time I used it, will have to try it again. Someone released a beta of Linux Mint with enlightenment (E17) installed, looked nice but was very beta. need to check up on Ebuntu and see if they are making progress.

    Yah, watching my m8 run beryl with his high end vid card was the first time I ever regretted my cheap laptop. .... _next_time_ It is just so nice not having to go to the dark side for anything. I keep getting nastygrams from I.T. about my unauthorized system, wanting to know how I have explorer on linux, etc...

    I just tell them that when they buy me a computer to use they will control the specs .... (my last ops manager spontaneously relocated the one purchased for me)

    Now if I can just stay under the radar on that 256 patents thing

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