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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by porrick View Post
    Thanks for posting, Dee! Looks like you had a smashing time - and I am sure you'll be back. How about including Norway next time?
    Patrick, I've already hinted that I'd like to do that. I'd love to visit your country and sail under the midnight sun. And perhaps raid a border or two.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  2. #42
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    As I said earlier this was a very unique side trip. We went to Glenkiln Reservoir and did the sculpture walk. This is someting we found on the Ferintosh website (located at http://www.ferintosh.net/walking.htm and decided to give it a go. It was a bit difficult to find but well worth the effort.

    This ranch land filled with sheep that the owner decided to add sculptures to and is a very beautiful walk. Granted you end up driving through sheep pastures to get there (the nice farmer who was mowing the berms was very helpful in letting us get by in our trusty rented Vauxhall on the one lane road bordered by dry stone fences).

    In a word its gorgeous. You are in a vast open countryside with hills, dry stone walls, streams, a reservoir and a farmhouse or two...with sculptures by renowned artists:

    Here we go:

    This is a Rodin that is onsite...I can't imagine here in this country that a Rodin would remain unmolsted in this setting but the guidbooks say it is:

    This another sculpture that I cannot remember the name or artist of:

    Robertson & Emma have a guidebook that details all this in the diningroom at Ferintosh.

    This is a look across the reservoir. Just beautiful.

    Two shots of the stream leading into the reservoir:

    Pausing to save......

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  3. #43
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    A flower at the side of the track....Foxglove?

    Interesting shot....

    Looks to me like the Rodin is hitching. Andrew, do you to it this way?!


    Ferret ad astra virtus

  4. #44
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    Here's a shot of a farmhouse nearby. These folks are pretty isolated even though Tesco's is only about 8 miles away. We did notice that there are a slew of modern power, phone, DSL cables comeing in. And a satellite dish on the roof.

    An interesting shot again:

    Ron and the Rodin. Except I think the dog was a city dog. He couldn't find a fire hydrant so he was eyeing the statue.

    Did I mention it was cold and extremely windy on this day? Here I am trying to keep from flashing the Danish family just out of camera range.

    Last edited by starbkjrus; 22nd July 07 at 07:27 AM.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  5. #45
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    That's all for tonight...those that are bored just don't look anymore. This is still only 6 days into a two week vacation.

    I told you we took too many pics.

    More in the AM.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

  6. #46
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    No such thing as too many pics! Although coming from me, I guess that doesn't mean much . Keep 'em coming, please. We're hoping to do this same tour next year (or similar anyway, may be a little harder with an 8 yr old and a 5 yr old in tow!).

    Be well,

  7. #47
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    Dee, there are those of us who want to see all your pictures. Thus far it has been wonderful, I for one can not wait for more, the sculpture walk is very interesting, I would think that in North America some delinquent would deface it in no time, so it is nice to see something like that.

  8. #48
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    Thanks for the photos. Brave to do Hamish II.
    Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
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  9. #49
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    The Rodin statue is saying "where's my kilt"?

    And yes the flower is a foxglove.
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  10. #50
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    And we're back. That pretty much concludes the foray into Southern Scotland. The one impressive day not documented here was the day we went to Sweetheart Abby. The Abbey, the village of New Abbey and then on to Southerness Point were wonderful but alas I didn't charge the camera batteries the night before so there is no record of it.

    Next is the final night at Ferintosh.......
    Pics to follow:

    erp....Photobucket seems to be down.....I guess the new pics will come tomorrow...
    Last edited by starbkjrus; 18th June 08 at 10:54 AM.

    Ferret ad astra virtus

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