23rd July 07, 02:04 PM
Seachd - The Inaccessible Pinnacle
The first Gaelic feature film is due to premiere in the autumn with a showing on a beach on Uist. It is said to be a sort of fairy tale.
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b211/macshealbhaich/Seachd/seachd_online_logo_small.gif" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
There's some good music to go with the film, which can be heard at <http://www.seachd.com>.
The blurb states:
"Làn fhìrinn na sgeòil. Tha Aonghas air a bhith air tòir na fìrinn o òige, miann a tha a' teannachadh na inntinn 's na chorp nuair a thuigeas e gu bheil am bàs gu laighe air a Sheanar. Tha fios aig Aonghas gu bheil an t-àm dha eòlas a chur air an fhìrinn mu bhàs a phàrantan 's cuideachd mu sgeulachdan a Sheanair. Sgeulachdan iongantach, eagalach a thug air cuairt tro eachdraidh nan Gaidheal iad le gaol, sabaid, eich-uisge agus òr Spàinnteach nam measg. Tha Aonghas 's a Sheanair a' gabhail aon chuairt eile còmhla, cuairt a tha gan toirt gu mullach Sgùrr Dearg (am binnein do-ruigsinneach) 's gu fìrinn ris nach robh dùil sam bith.
Làn fhìrinn na sgeòil. The truth is in the story. When a young man, Angus, visits his dying Grandfather in hospital he cannot hold back his boyhood quest for the truth - the truth behind the death of his parents and the truth behind his Grandfather's ancient, incredible, fearful stories. Stories from the whole swathe of Gaelic history of poisoned lovers, bloody revenge, water-horses and Spanish gold. His Grandfather hijacks Angus' life for one last time leading him to one of Scotland's most treacherous mountains, The Inaccessible Pinnacle (Sgùrr Dearg) on the Isle of Skye, and an ancient truth he never expected to find. Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle is the first Scottish Gaelic feature film."
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b211/macshealbhaich/Seachd/boyonmountain.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>
The film's makers and promoters are hoping that it will help lead the come back of Scottish Gaelic.
23rd July 07, 02:29 PM
I hope you don't mind here is your logo

And the other picture you were trying to post
23rd July 07, 02:31 PM
Thanks. I couldn't work the photobucket as I was talking to my sister on the phone at the same time.
It obviously doesn't do to have too many balls in the air at the same time.
23rd July 07, 02:35 PM
No problem you can just quote my post and copy the correct code from there BTW here is a clickable link:
23rd July 07, 03:37 PM
I've tried editing the post to get the graphics and clickable link up, but it won't 'save', so I'm going to leave it for now and have another go later.
23rd July 07, 08:20 PM
Brilliant stuff, thanks.
What a deep website. Go through the Gaeldom link and follow each of those links. Drove home listening to Aerosmith and now right now I'm listening to Gaelic Psalms. Cool.
Of course, nowhere on the site do they tell you how to pronounce the name of the movie....
24th July 07, 04:00 AM
 Originally Posted by An t-Ileach
I've tried editing the post to get the graphics and clickable link up, but it won't 'save', so I'm going to leave it for now and have another go later.
It is the HTML that is catching you up. We disallow its use in posts. Rely on the BB codes and you'll be good to go.
24th July 07, 07:33 AM
Hopefully I'll get to go and see that.My sister is going to SMO on Skye, shortly and I really need to catch up in the Gaelic.
24th July 07, 09:16 AM
What are some Irish (gaelic) films? I know they're out there.
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