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Thread: Where I've been

  1. #1
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    Where I've been

    In the last few months, I have not been posting here as much as I normally do. I am sorry, I've had a LOT going on in my head.
    Much of it involves religion, so I can't talk about that here. Some more involves politics, another taboo topic here.

    I've also learned of some friends of friends who died in military actions. One of whom I had been meaning to get in touch about some trivial matter.

    So, I've been in rather deep reflective mood recently.

    Most of my free time is spent with my kids and I've been trying to set aside blocks to MAKE kilts and kilt stuff (which has gotten VERY slow recently).

    Complicating matters, my wife is home working on her Masters of Music Ed through an on-line program. As I work out of my house, it has made my work harder to get done.

    Plus, there is more that I would rather not talk about.

    With all this going on, my usual posting is WAY down. I look when I can. The problem is actually the SHEER number of new posts. I usually have hundreds, if not over a thousand, and only a few minutes to flip through them. I have only been posting when I felt I would REALLY contribute or help in the matter on hand.

    I just wanted to let everyone know it wasn't anything personal or forum-related (I am not planning to go anywhere). I'll be back to normal in a few weeks. My wife's teaching begins in August and the normal schedule should resume.

    Till then . . .
    God Bless,

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacWage View Post
    With all this going on, my usual posting is WAY down.
    John, I don't make too great a connection between quantity of posts and quality of posts. So don't be concerned about numbers.

    I look when I can. The problem is actually the SHEER number of new posts. I usually have hundreds, if not over a thousand, and only a few minutes to flip through them.
    Our daily average is floating around 325-350 new posts per day, so if you miss 3-4 days you are going to be way behind.

    I have only been posting when I felt I would REALLY contribute or help in the matter on hand.
    Post when YOU want to post and don't feel as if you have to offer reasons or excuses for it, either way. It's not about numbers, it's about having a good time whilst here. We don't want to send the wrong signal to people and make them think they shouldn't post if they are not REALLY contributing.

    Relax and enjoy the time you are able to spend here.

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    Okay, we'll see you then. Take care and look in when you can.

  4. #4
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    I agree, it ISN'T about numbers. It is just I haven't been "myself" here recently. I hope things will get back to "normal" soon and I will be back fully.
    I just haven't been able to take part in conversations, as I don't NOTICE them until almost AFTER the fact.
    I enjoy participating and haven't been doing so recently, THAT was the point.
    I just wanted my friends who might have been wondering where I was to know what was going on and that I'll be back to normal participation later.

  5. #5
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    I certainly understand . . . I've been traveling a lot the last couple of weeks, and have barely skimmed the surface of the threads. I always feel like I must have missed something.


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