1st August 07, 11:11 AM
Some flix from a newly joined kilter
The Battle Axe said that I should post some flix that she had taken over the past few years so that people would know who I am. So here they are.
This is my favorite USMC Tartan - I'm a retired MGySgt of Marines. I think I'm waiting to go to the mall.
These are two of my Royal Stewart inside and out back on the patio.
This is one of my full tanks in USMC Tartan, I'm adjusting something on my "I love me" wall.
Here is another one of me in my USMC full tank.
Here I am taking my first cup of joe and 1st cig of the day on the patio. I'm in my blackwatch sportkilt, no shirt, no sox, and nothing else except flipflops. Well I do have my ever present hand made sgian dubh.
So now you know who I am.
1st August 07, 11:18 AM
Nice Kilts, Sarge! Where did you get them?
I knew you were headed to the mall, when I spotted the shopping assault footware! LOL!
1st August 07, 11:26 AM
Hello and From The Great State of Missouri, and thanks for sharing and Thank you for your service to our country..
1st August 07, 11:37 AM
I have ten kilts, I think. I have two sport kilts (black watch and Royal Stewart) - four from Stillwater (2-USMC, Royal Stewart, Black Stewart) one very old full tank in MacMillan, one relatively new full tank in USMC, a USA kilt in Fraser, and an e-bay used kilt in Fraser Humting. Fly plaids for USMC, Royal and Black Stewart, and MacMillan.
I live in Sothern California, so my lighter weight kilts see more use, It has to be pretty cold to get into a full tank.
I wear kilts a lot.
I'll have to dig out a flic of me in full PC with Fly Plaid to post.
1st August 07, 11:39 AM
Thanks for the pictures it really is good to match faces with names, nice kilts you wear them well.
1st August 07, 11:54 AM
Good to see pics of you. Welcome to the board from Eastern Washington. You look like you're well and truly retired. Me, too.
Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
Member, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Founding Member, Celtic Music Spokane
Member, Royal Photographic Society
1st August 07, 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by James MacMillan
I have ten kilts, I think. I have two sport kilts (black watch and Royal Stewart) - four from Stillwater (2-USMC, Royal Stewart, Black Stewart) one very old full tank in MacMillan, one relatively new full tank in USMC, a USA kilt in Fraser, and an e-bay used kilt in Fraser Humting. Fly plaids for USMC, Royal and Black Stewart, and MacMillan.
I live in Sothern California, so my lighter weight kilts see more use, It has to be pretty cold to get into a full tank.
I wear kilts a lot.
I'll have to dig out a flic of me in full PC with Fly Plaid to post.
That's an impressive kit. As you have been trained, you are prepared for all conditions. Look forward to seeing the full PC with Fly Plaid.
1st August 07, 11:57 AM
OohRah! Welcome Masterguns. I got married in my Leatherneck kilt, outfitted the whole grooms party with them too.
It look from some of the poses like you've got a little Captain in you. (reference to the new Capt. Morgan commercials)
1st August 07, 12:08 PM
Thanks for the words of welcome.
I spent 33 years in the Corps, and had fun wearing kilts in many locations and countries.
I am very active in Freemasonry and that allows me to get into formal highland attire a lot.
I have three rules when it comes to wearing a kilt.
#1 - I have it
#2 - I like it.
#3 - I feel comfortable.
If any of these rules are broken, I change kilt or wear something else. I am not a hard traditionalist, but I don't own a utilikilt or x-kilt. I have most anything to go with a kilt as I have been wearing them for a long time. #1 + #2 + #3 apply.
I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing a PC to the mall, nor would I feel comfortable wearing a casual kilt to a wedding.... Hawaiian shirts don't go with plaids..... sandals don't go to church.... Color of hose is really flexible, I like black hose with evening wear for instance, regardless of what the purest say.
1st August 07, 12:12 PM
Thanks Yaish - I recognized the Heilein quote right away. And yes, spiced rum and coke go with any kilt!
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