Thanks for the words of welcome.

I spent 33 years in the Corps, and had fun wearing kilts in many locations and countries.

I am very active in Freemasonry and that allows me to get into formal highland attire a lot.

I have three rules when it comes to wearing a kilt.
#1 - I have it
#2 - I like it.
#3 - I feel comfortable.

If any of these rules are broken, I change kilt or wear something else. I am not a hard traditionalist, but I don't own a utilikilt or x-kilt. I have most anything to go with a kilt as I have been wearing them for a long time. #1 + #2 + #3 apply.

I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing a PC to the mall, nor would I feel comfortable wearing a casual kilt to a wedding.... Hawaiian shirts don't go with plaids..... sandals don't go to church.... Color of hose is really flexible, I like black hose with evening wear for instance, regardless of what the purest say.