I think there is a strong sense of prudishness than runs deep in the US. Like it or not, it is part of our culture. Some feel it is simple modesty, others feel it represents shame of our bodies.

In most of the US, showing one's bare buttocks without covering the gluteal cleft is unlawful. In some cities, you only need a one inch wide covering of the cleft to be street legal, in others, the entire buttocks must be covered.

To look on the bright side, Poland is reportedly more prudish than we are, given the new kilt-related laws there. I also remember being in Haiti in the 1980s and hearing about the locals chasing women who were only wearing bathing suits or shorts out of the streets. They believed that women were to be well covered and in dresses only, thank you very much.

So, we could be worse. Or better, depending on your point of view.