15th August 07, 06:00 PM
 Originally Posted by Hamish
I have a very guilty feeling that this thread has been aimed at me, following a posting I made a day or two ago. Your very detailed comments and explanations are so very much appreciated. However, as in so many aspects of life, these things are much more easily achieved if you are able to share them, or are able to be challenged by someone else in the process. Living alone, as I do, makes this very difficult, but I have printed off your post and will try to motivate myself more effectively by following your advice. Thank you.
It was actually aimed at no one. My advice has helped several of my friends lose weight and keep it off, and I have lost over 100 pounds by this method as well. But, I'm glad you are motivated to better yourself 
Yes, living alone can be a drawback, but you can find some friends or maybe join a "walker" group in your area - this is what I have done and I find it quite beneficial. Perhaps Meet Up can help with that?
15th August 07, 06:05 PM
15th August 07, 07:20 PM
I went vegetarian and lost 35 pounds in 3 months, and I DID NOT START EXERCISING. I haven't changed much about my lifestyle, except for cutting out meat. A year and a half later, I've only gained 5 pounds of that back, and in that time, I've gone from not drinking at all to drinking regularly (booze= extra calories). I have more energy and stamina, I'm sleeping better, my moods are more stable. All in all, it's been good for me.
Done right a vegetarian diest is high protein and low fat, and your carbs can be adjusted to suit your individual needs. If you limit your dairy and egg intake, it is also low cholesterol.
Now, I know this intense lifestyle change is not for everyone, and it can lead to serious nutritional deficiencies if you are careless, but it is a viable option for weight loss, especially if you want to reduce your fat and cholesterol intake.
15th August 07, 08:16 PM
 Originally Posted by Hamish
I have a very guilty feeling that this thread has been aimed at me, following a posting I made a day or two ago. Your very detailed comments and explanations are so very much appreciated. However, as in so many aspects of life, these things are much more easily achieved if you are able to share them, or are able to be challenged by someone else in the process. Living alone, as I do, makes this very difficult, but I have printed off your post and will try to motivate myself more effectively by following your advice. Thank you.
I thought the thread was aimed at me for my post yesterday.
15th August 07, 10:02 PM
Measured my waist this evening. I've lost 4" off my waist since I started my weight loss program!
That means the Stillwater kilt I order on Friday will be ordered one size smaller than I had intended.
16th August 07, 03:18 AM
Methinks there are many people here this thread COULD be aimed at but I think it's just someone who has improved their life and wants to share his success in hopes that someone else may benefit.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world...
Those that understand binary, and those that don't.
16th August 07, 06:17 AM
Thanks ardchoille,
I think we all can learn something from this.
I also gained 40 pounds since I became an american resident 11 months ago, in my country they have smaller portions and we cycle everywhere.....now I do use the car and have a hard time to ask for a doggy bag.
I drink less beer though just because I don't really enjoy the American beer and international beer is so expensive.
Thanks for this thread...I know for sure that some of the people on this forum can learn something of it.
16th August 07, 08:45 AM
death of a "fat person'
Thanks for the:buttkick:my wife and I have goal wieghts of 160 and 210 respectivly whitch will result in a loss of 230 pounds = 1 "fat person" it is not easy but having that"Fat Person" in our lives is much worse However, on the bright side Kathy Lare et al will love me as I will have to buy mutiple kilts to keep up my decreasing displacement
16th August 07, 10:30 AM
 Originally Posted by ardchoille
Spicy foods - I see advertisements all over the television about products to alleviate gas and heartburn. How about not eating the foods that cause gas and heartburn? That will save you money on those products as well as wear and tear on your body.
 Originally Posted by MysticMead
one thing though... spicy foods... don't cut back on those...they're GOOD for you..
Spicy foods can cause heartburn, but they are certainly not the only cause. For some people it can be triggered by acidic foods, fatty foods, even chocolate. Now, if there is already a problem, the spicy foods will certainly make it worse. And, of course, some people just go overboard with the heat.
I have also read studies where spicy foods can increase metabolism, a good thing if you're trying to burn calories. But then, I've also read that they can spark appetite, so maybe these two effects balance out.
Everything else you said though is right on the mark. Unfortunately, some of us know all the facts, but just can't seem to put it into practice.
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance. - Japanese Proverb
17th August 07, 07:09 AM
Get paid to lose weight
That's what happens in Italy.
(In French, but it may interest some of you.)
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