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  1. #1
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    heritage of scotland.com?

    Newbie, here. Any feedback on heritage of scotland.com as a vendor? They seem to have good prices, 15% off for the summer, and free shipping. Just found them w/ a google search, and would love to hear if y'all think they're legit. Slainte Mhath! -- WSM

  2. #2
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    Thumbs down

    Heritageofscotland.com is one of the Gold Brothers' companies. If you do a quick search here, you will find a lot of reasons to not order from them.

    For good prices, service, and products, how about trying one of our sponsors?

  3. #3
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    I have ordered from them in the past before I knew of their reputation, and in light of recent events see here I would not order from them again.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by McMurdo View Post
    I have ordered from them in the past before I knew of their reputation, and in light of recent events see here I would not order from them again.
    I'm the same. I ordered my first kilt from them, before I found XMTS and read the reviews. I received the kilt as described, but their communication was absent. I too would not order from them again, especially in light of the quoted news.

  5. #5
    Phil is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Quote Originally Posted by wscottmac View Post
    Newbie, here. Any feedback on heritage of scotland.com as a vendor? They seem to have good prices, 15% off for the summer, and free shipping. Just found them w/ a google search, and would love to hear if y'all think they're legit. Slainte Mhath! -- WSM
    They are legit and run by an turbanned Indian family called Singh. They live in a large mansion-type house here in Edinburgh surrounded by large expensive cars and are reputed to be worth millions (£'s not $'s). The stuff they sell here in Edinburgh is called "tartan tat" and aimed primarily at the cheap end of the tourist trade. I can't speak of the quality because for a Scot living here going into one of their shops feels a bit like visiting a sex shop - you look from side to side to make sure nobody recognises you as you furtively slip inside. I have examined their kilts (which they have hanging up outside) and they are made of a thin, soft material with shallow pleats and (the most cardinal of sins) they are hemmed. If you want a cheap and nasty looking outfit then that's the market they are selling to. If you are serious about kilt-wearing then take my advice and go to one of the makers listed here.

  6. #6
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    Like Wal Mart, they have the ability to source for you a very nice kilt at a very nice price. Like afore mentioned box store, they also carry thousands of price point items that satisfy the mases, weather native, tourist or internet. And like any establishment, communication is only as good as the person you are speaking with.

    I have two very nice kilts from them, no one, and I mean no one has ever found the first flaw with either of them.

    You can find a lot of bad press here, that may be enough to put you off. That is fine with me. I just wanted to point out that it all isn't true.

    Flame on, I have my fire retardant jacket on today!


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    I'll be honest, I've ordered stuff from them before.
    And it's kinda hit or miss. I've got some really good products from them that I am more than happy with, and some products that have ended up getting sent back.
    But when I sent stuff back they were very prompt with refunding me and the people I dealt with were always polite and nice about it.

    I'd say that if you can get it from one of the XMarks sponsors, do it. But if not, there's no shame in ordering from Heritage of Scotland.

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    Thanks for all the good replies, gents! I've been looking for tan brogues, and they have a nice looking pair online for $75 US. Sounds like a good deal, but I'll look thru the listed sponsors sites first. Any vendor recommendations for (hate to say "English") Tan brogues would be much appreciated.

  9. #9
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    It is hard to say for Tan Ghillie Brogues, I might check out local tartan shops if there are any near you or you might want to check out Hector Russell they were at the highland games I attended a few weeks ago and had a sale on.

  10. #10
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    I've bought items from them and have been satisfied. If you can't afford a real, wool kilt, they're fine for something to knock around in.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

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