View Poll Results: Shall we adopt the Dandelion as our XMTS Plant badge?
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Yes, The dandelion is a great plant badge for XMTS
No, I think we are better represented by a different plant
23rd August 07, 08:53 PM
Is there any reason why we can't have TWO plant badges, for optional use one at a time or both?
24th August 07, 05:30 AM
Just to clarify my earlier post, the blue flower pictured is a sky pilot, not deadly nightshade. Anyway, I still vote for something other than a dandelion but I see that I am being rapidly out-voted. Sky pilot! Sky pilot! sky pilot!
That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.
Aldous Huxley
24th August 07, 06:36 AM
Although the French call a dandelion "pissenlit", the English name comes from the French "dent de lion", meaning "tooth of lion" because of the shape of the leaves.
That should satisfy people who feel they need something more masculine.
It has my vote
24th August 07, 10:11 AM
Weed or Wildflower?
 Originally Posted by Ruanaidh
I vote for the dandelion also, as long as we call it the dandelion or Taraxacum officinale, but not the French "pissenlit" (wet the bed). 
A flowering weed is just a wildflower growing in a place you don't want it to grow.
24th August 07, 11:50 AM
This all seems much ado about next to nothing.........but I don't see the necessity in limiting our choice to flora not already used by other clans. Being kilted, being different, we seek tolerence and acceptance, one would not go courting with a handful of weeds. Dandelions are weeds and most often seen as a nuisance. This requires some thinking outside the window box. I suggest the mighty oak tree! Strong, useful, slow but steady growing, and with more than a few squirrels and nuts, I think it represents the best of this board, (not that I'm suggesting anyone go courting with an oak tree over their shoulder.) But more to the point, oak leaves have been used for years in military insignia that could easily be adapted via the local army/ navy store. Also, in terms of diversity there are many varieties of oaks; scarlet, white, red, water, willow, pin, to name but a few. They grow in most parts of the world, I think. Well there you have it, exactly two cents worth!
"The opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty."
Ken Burns
24th August 07, 02:56 PM
 Originally Posted by kiltedsawyer
... They grow in most parts of the world, I think. Well there you have it, exactly two cents worth!
But is that before or after taxes? 
-See it there, a white plume
Over the battle - A diamond in the ash
Of the ultimate combustion-My panache
Edmond Rostand
24th August 07, 04:57 PM
I looked for some kilt pins on ebay with dandelions, but couldn't find any. How will we be able to afford something that isn't on ebay?
Wallace Catanach, Kiltmaker
A day without killting is like a day without sunshine.
24th August 07, 05:44 PM
 Originally Posted by Panache
But is that before or after taxes?
It's 2 cents Jamie, the taxes...............your Scotmans is showing!
"The opposite of faith is not doubt. Doubt is central to faith. The opposite of faith is certainty."
Ken Burns
24th August 07, 06:30 PM
Yep Good ol' Pee The Bed, (oops, I mean 'Dandelion', sorry-force of habit). Dandelion has my vote. it is pretty much universal, well, maybe not in the Sahara....
24th August 07, 07:33 PM
 Originally Posted by mkfarkus
A flowering weed is just a wildflower growing in a place you don't want it to grow.
Dandelions aren't weeds, they are vegetables.
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Those that understand binary, and those that don't.
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