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  1. #1
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    Notebook Computer?

    Knowing there a ton of tech savvy kilted brethren on this board, figured I'd ask.

    Been looking at buying a laptop for school/work/home use. High end Graphics ability (ie. Photoshop), 3D Renderings, and CAD capable are musts. Somewhere in the $3500-$4,000 range. Work is paying for a large chunk of it.

    Min requirements: WinXP 32bit, 17" screen, GeForce 7900+ or Quadro FX 2500+ graphics card (open GL 1.3 or higher capable), Intel Duo Mobile 2.0+ or AMD Optitron 64+

    Been looking at:
    Dell XPS M1710
    Dell Precision M90
    Alienware M9750
    Alienware M9700 (AMD)
    Sun Microsystems
    Xi Computers

    Anything else I should look at?

  2. #2
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    I have been using IBMs ( now Lenovo) for quite some years. I am currently using (literally !) the Z60M. It has all the usual biyts inside and in 2 years oit has always worked perfectly. And I love the mouse trackstick ( some people hate it but I think it is just so ergonomical).

  3. #3
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    as a freelance graphic artist, I usually work on a windows based desktop machine. recently it came time to upgrade my laptop, and I had been interested in doing some video work, so I took the plunge and picked up a Macbook Pro. Yeah, I had to buy allot of software over again (as well as Final Cut for the video work) but I'm blown away at how much smoother my workflow is on the Mac. Build quality is amazing, and windows apps are very quick running on XP under Boot Camp. I'm counting the days until I can replace my desktop with another Mac.

  4. #4
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    I too have been using a MacBook Pro but with Parallels instead of Boot Camp. It's nice to be able to run both Windows and Mac OS simultaneously.

    BTW - at least in the Mac world these machines are no longer referred to as laptops, and for good reason. You do NOT want to use them on your lap! Unless, of course, you don't mind burning your biscuits...
    Bruce K.

    Laird of Diddly Squat

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by BruceK View Post
    I too have been using a MacBook Pro but with Parallels instead of Boot Camp. It's nice to be able to run both Windows and Mac OS simultaneously.

    BTW - at least in the Mac world these machines are no longer referred to as laptops, and for good reason. You do NOT want to use them on your lap! Unless, of course, you don't mind burning your biscuits...
    Aren't MacBookPro's supposed to run so much cooler?

    Anyway, I'd always refer you to a Mac. Has all the features you're after in one package, no virus and a simpler architecture. Well within your price guidelines and the current student promo looks like it has the rest of what you need.

    Boot camp is a package that lets you run windows but most people I know, don't.

    Just about everything can be translated over.

    The main argument you'll hear is what about the support network. You don't need it, honest. You'd be suspicious if somebody tried to sell you a car based on the number of repair stations.

    However, if your courses have specific program you might want to check if they'll run on Boot Camp.

    BTW, all video programs are owned by Apple whether they run on Mac or not.

  6. #6
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    Okay a notebook.
    I looked at Macs, one of my co-workers swears by his, although he can't run the same CAD software.
    The problem I have with running the parallels or the boot camp is inconsistant problems within the 3D Cad program I will be using.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    Aren't MacBookPro's supposed to run so much cooler?
    The one they make me use for work doesn't. Worst computer I ever had for "burning the biscuits." Lots of other things about it bug me, too.

    I love my HP Pavilion, but I don't need the kind of power LordKiltClad is looking for.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  8. #8
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    You can't beat a MAC, it works. I've used them now for a dozen years. I still have the first one I bought and it's working as a print server. It's high-end, professional and trouble free.
    Past President, St. Andrew's Society of the Inland Northwest
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiltman View Post
    You can't beat a MAC, it works. I've used them now for a dozen years. I still have the first one I bought and it's working as a print server. It's high-end, professional and trouble free.
    My experience is just the opposite. I'm on my fourth Mac at work and every one of them has been buggy. Others in my office have had even worse luck.

    My current machine is my first Mac laptop. Its predecessors were desktops. I'd never purchase a Mac for myself.
    Virtus Ad Aethera Tendit

  10. #10
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    Bob, I know you've been anti mac for a while, I've been using Macs for 20+ years and even with some problems I would choose them over a Windows machine.

    I have been a tech for PCs for 20 years, was authorized HP and Dell, worked on Servers, High-end Desktops, and Laptops.
    I have seen more problems with Windows machines than any other.

    Picking a Computer is a personal choice, and you should make that choice with as much information as you can. Whether you choose Windows or Mac is a personal thing more than a "this is better than that" argument.

    I know die hard "Windows" users who never have any major problems, but that is because they do what is needed to keep them "clean".
    Mark Dockendorf
    Left on the Right Coast

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