Thanks Bradley, I edited the change into to message above.
Originally Posted by Tattoobradley
That looks really nice. I like it a lot. Just to point out: This is the St. David's National, not the Welsh National tartan which is different (Rocky corrected me when I made the same mistake when I ordered mine btw.)
I received this yesterday. It came in a non descript bubblelope, but I knew what it was. Before opening it I felt the heft of it that suggested to me that it was a substantial combination quality components. I carefully trimmed the package end and burried my nose in it to get the first smell of new leather. I then reached in and pulled out a delightful piece of craftsmanship. It is a combination of fine quality glossy rigid leather with a supple gusset, flawless stitch spacing and fine carving/tooling/painting. Every detail is esquisite including the magnetic catch and lining leather. I now have a favorite casual sporran. It will debut at the Auld Dubliner kilt night in Tucson Next Saturday.
Now I need a USAK St. David's National to go with it. It won't take long for me to conjure an excuse to reward myself soon.