agreed! And hey...if the Wizard can make a custom shirt happen, I'm sure a jacket wouldn't be that much more difficult would it???
*says Cloves who knows nuthin' about sewing*
agreed! And hey...if the Wizard can make a custom shirt happen, I'm sure a jacket wouldn't be that much more difficult would it???
*says Cloves who knows nuthin' about sewing*
Hey, they've been making jackets for women for at least a few years now. And for an engineer, teufulhund and crotchety old fart, ain't NOTHING he can't do. Says I.
Hey, they've been making jackets for women for at least a few years now. And for an engineer, teufulhund and crotchety old fart, ain't NOTHING he can't do. Says I.
Ok certain people should be EXPECTED to know this - Marines never get old, they just sometimes smell that way
I am confident that as expertise with the pattern is gained all manner of sizes will be available.
According to Barb's Bible/Book - my build (big gut, big butt) is the hardest to make a good looking kilt for. I get a positive comment every day that I wear my FK. My personal Freedom Jacket (FJ) can't be too far off.
I look forward to wearing my custom FJ in the fall of '08.