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View Poll Results: Kilt Night For September??

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  • Sept. 5th

    6 100.00%
  • Sept. 12th

    0 0%
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Results 21 to 24 of 24
  1. #21
    Join Date
    25th June 05
    On The Long Road
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    I been thinkin' o' movin't Dallas. How r the hurricanes in the area? Don't want a wind blown hem up about my shoulders!
    Go, have fun, don't work at, make it fun! Kilt them, for they know not, what they wear. Where am I now?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    31st May 07
    Midlothian, Texas
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    The closest thing we've ever had to a hurricane in Dallas was back in 1961. Hurricane Carla hit the Texas coast as a category 4 storm, but had diminished to a tropical storm by the time it got this far inland. I remember it was quite a storm, but nothing compared to the spring storms that will occasionally kick up a 100+ mph gust front. Now, Thats a storm.
    [SIZE="2"][B]From the Heart of Midlothian...Texas, that is![/B][/SIZE]

  3. #23
    Join Date
    31st May 07
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    The heavy rains in the highlands of Midlothian put me late for work this morning. The missus and I will make it in a little before 8 I think.

    Tim, better get some shepherd's pie going!
    [SIZE="2"][B]From the Heart of Midlothian...Texas, that is![/B][/SIZE]

  4. #24
    Join Date
    31st May 07
    Midlothian, Texas
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    Thumbs up

    We had a grand time at the Tipperary Inn Wednesday night. There were a dozen or so X-Markers in attendance including eight in kilts (by my count), but not a camera in sight. We welcomed Dave and Mimi into the the fray. Hopefully, by now they've started finding their way around the forum.

    We have a proposal on the table to collect children's books and/or money to buy children's books for the local USO as a holiday project. I hope everyone is wanting to get involved. Cliff and John were outside when we talked about that, so I'll have to fill you guys in.

    For those interested I'll be at the Gaylord (kilted of course) doing the Murder Mystery dinner theater the weekends of the 14th and 21st this month. Dave and Mimi said they were going to make plans for Saturday the 22nd. Anyone want to join them either for the show or a kilted gathering in the Sports bar afterward?
    [SIZE="2"][B]From the Heart of Midlothian...Texas, that is![/B][/SIZE]

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