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  1. #11
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    Ah, I think I remember this shop on High St. Was surprised to see a turbanned guy in charge... Mostly tat, true. As for the brogues, I searched all the XMTS sponsors, and none had tan/brown, so I placed an order (yikes). Came to $68 US for all leather brogues (15% discount/free shipping). I'll let y'all know (a) if they ever arrive and (b) the quality -- just for research sake.

  2. #12
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    I ordered -and received within 14 days a Kilt & Fly Plaid from them on Ebay. (Heritage of Scot Tartan) no problem at all; The kilt, and plaid, though not wool is very heavy, nicely fringed, and not hemmed,fits great etc. It was part of a Kilt/Plaid package deal. I am totally satisfied. (I suspect they are more careful with their Ebay sales as it has world-wide implications if they screw it up).
    Don't think I would order from them outside Ebay/Pay Pal, after seeing these posts though.

  3. #13
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    okay, so I promised an update on this purchase. Just an objective review of the sales/service. Likesay, I'd been looking everywhere for a pair of tan/brown brogues. The only place I could find them was at heritage of scotland. AND, they were only $67 USD. The picture online looked good, so I winced and ordered them. I have to say I was impressed. I immediately got a confirmation email of the order. Got another a bit later w/ something like "Credit Card processing complete", then another shipping notice, with an actual human's name on it. I went w/ the free shipping option, and they got here perfectly packaged in about 2 weeks via Royal Mail. They looked exactly like the picture online, and were of pretty good quality leather. They were very comfortable, but a bit too small. I emailed the contact name I had from the earlier shipping receipt, and got a prompt reply w/ return instructions. She sent me out a pair in the larger size immediately AND sent it FedEx at no charge to me. I just got them, and they fit great. Very comfortable, and got to me in about 4 days.
    Summary -- from a straight sales/service/product/shipping perspective, I was pleased. Personally, I try to support Stateside vendors first (SportKilt, Kathy Lare, and J. Michael McRae), but I don't suppose one should be afraid of heritage of scotland (from an "oh my God, am I ever going to get the thing, get any contact from them, end up w/ an overcharged credit card" standpoint).

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by wscottmac View Post
    okay, so I promised an update on this purchase. Just an objective review of the sales/service. Likesay, I'd been looking everywhere for a pair of tan/brown brogues. The only place I could find them was at heritage of scotland. AND, they were only $67 USD. The picture online looked good, so I winced and ordered them. I have to say I was impressed. I immediately got a confirmation email of the order. Got another a bit later w/ something like "Credit Card processing complete", then another shipping notice, with an actual human's name on it. I went w/ the free shipping option, and they got here perfectly packaged in about 2 weeks via Royal Mail. They looked exactly like the picture online, and were of pretty good quality leather. They were very comfortable, but a bit too small. I emailed the contact name I had from the earlier shipping receipt, and got a prompt reply w/ return instructions. She sent me out a pair in the larger size immediately AND sent it FedEx at no charge to me. I just got them, and they fit great. Very comfortable, and got to me in about 4 days.
    Summary -- from a straight sales/service/product/shipping perspective, I was pleased. Personally, I try to support Stateside vendors first (SportKilt, Kathy Lare, and J. Michael McRae), but I don't suppose one should be afraid of heritage of scotland (from an "oh my God, am I ever going to get the thing, get any contact from them, end up w/ an overcharged credit card" standpoint).
    This could be a case of the company seeing many negative blogs/posts/complaints and, doing what good companies do, improved their business model to try and break a bad reputation. If this is what they have done, then I say KUDOS to them.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by wscottmac View Post
    okay, so I promised an update on this purchase.
    Appreciate the follow up. People have different takes on issues like this, and its good to get details about service and product, as opposed to the larger policy issues.

    Best regards,

    [B]Less talk, more monkey![/B]

  6. #16
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    Don't expect miracles and you won't be disappointed, we all at some point think we're going to get the deal of the century, and when we actually get what we pay for are miffed, at the end of the day it's all business, and there's literally a world of choice at our fingertips
    Life is a long and confusing journey, so, be prepared to get lost occasionally, and always pack sandwiches and a flask

  7. #17
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    I was trying to think of an anology before, and I think I've got one, Gold Bros lets us in at the basement, and then via experience and better purchases, hopefully, we make it up to the penthouse

  8. #18
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    okie dokie, sunday night I won(?) the EBay auction for a heritage of scotland 8yard, black, 'fashion' kilt, sent them the cash on monday, received an e-mail from them on wednesday, and received the kilt this morning(thursday). It's well worth it's rrp, £34.99, I think, and I'm laughing my gusset off, because it cost me 9 quid Well, that's all I can say about the Kirkcaldy branch.
    But, just so you don't think this is some naff infomercial, if you look in the 'Buyer Beware' thread elsewhere, you'll see the results of my dealing with the midlands branch of the Gold bros, so imho, it's Kirkcaldy 1 - Midlands 0

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    I also ordered my first kilt from Heritage of Scotland. I got a whole outfit, kilt, belt, sporran, ghillie shirt, and hose. It came in a timely fashion, and between the time I ordered the stuff and the time the payment went through, exchange rates changed and I saved about US$15! The only negatives for me are the sporran, which is definitely cheaply made and has required a couple repairs to remain in duty, and the shirt, which while it meets and fulfills all descriptions and functions of such a garment, I hardly ever wear it because it's just too hot in any temperature above 60°F. I would order form them again, and I have recommended them to others looking for an affordable entry to more traditional styled kilts.

    In contrast, my second kilt purchase was a made-to-order wool kilt from a member of this board. I paid 7 months ago and have nothing to show for it but a few scattered responses to my many many emails. In retrospect, I probably should have spent the same money and ordered two more kilts from Heritage of Scotland.
    Paul X. Danner
    My Email

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulX608 View Post
    In contrast, my second kilt purchase was a made-to-order wool kilt from a member of this board. I paid 7 months ago and have nothing to show for it but a few scattered responses to my many many emails.
    Who was that?! I feel you should let us all know so any potential customers won't have to re-live that bad experience.

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