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  1. #31
    Join Date
    6th September 07
    Red Deer
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    Good look for such a big change.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    23rd January 04
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    Quote Originally Posted by kallen View Post
    Now, for a question...why is there an H in the Montreal Canadians logo? Inside the big "C" there is an H...or is it something else?
    From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal_Canadiens

    Clockwise from top left: the current home, vintage and road jerseys used in the seasonOne of sports' oldest and most recognizable logos, the classic 'C' and 'H' of the Montreal Canadiens was first used together in the 1917-18 season before evolving to its current form in 1952-53. The 'H' does not stand for 'Habs' or Habitants, as this is a misconception stemming from an error by an English language newspaper reporter in the 1950s. It actually stands for 'Hockey', as in 'Club de Hockey Canadien', the official name of the team.

    The first logo was a large green maple leaf with a white 'C' in 'Old English' script as all of the NHA O'Brien franchises had similar logos. As the team ownership changed, the logo evolved into today's famous logo.

    After being bought in 1911 by George Kennedy, the logo was first changed to a star-like logo of the letters CAC, standing for Club Athletique Canadien. This was then changed to a large C, with an A inside.

    After being bought by original Canadien player Leo Dandurant, the team regained their original name, Club de Hockey Canadien, and the H replaced the A. Thus the CH, standing for Club de Hockey Canadien (or CHC) logo was born.

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