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  1. #1
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    Highland Games Contestants???

    So I have a question for anyone who has ever participated in the Highland games. I would like to compete and try the games someday, but I'm not a big guy at all. I am 6'0" and about 180lbs. I wanted to know how it really works. I know that most of the guys that compete are much bigger than me and much stronger than me. Is there a place in the games for someone of my size. I'd love to do some caber tossing, but I know there's no way that i could compete against someone twice my size. Any information regarding stuff like this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  2. #2
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    Seems to me you may be confusing bulk with strength. The fellow that won the Spokane Highland Games was half the size of the other competitors - but it was obvious to everyone he had superior technique...

  3. #3
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    First, welcome to the wonderful world of picking up heavy oop: and tossing it around.
    Size and strength are important but good, solid technique is really what you need.
    Since I lack all of these attributes, I just throw for fun.

    And if you want to toss cabers, that event is really all about technique. Learning to pick the caber and get control is the hardest part, I feel. The toss is pretty much run, squat, pull. But you have to have it under control first, and I don't know that size and strength matter that much there, unless you get into the really monster cabers that some AD's like to throw out for their own evil purposes.

    If you can find some throwers locally, get with them for a practice session and give it a go. Or just find some games, contact the AD and show up. The other guys will be happy to see you and be very helpful.
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  4. #4
    Panache's Avatar
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    I would sort through some of the posts and threads by Yaish. He has been doing the Highland atheletics for a while (and the one time I saw he compete he swept all the events) and has offered sound advice in the past to the members of XMTS. I think I even remember him writing that he was working on a guide to the Heavy Events. If you can't find what you are looking for I'd send him a PM and I imagine he could point you in the right direction.


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  5. #5
    James MacMillan is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    I no longer compete - but check out this web-site:


    It will get you started pretty good. Remember, not all the events are "Heavy" events

  6. #6
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    Or.....if like me you don't feel you are built for the heavy events you can always try track events - I used to participate in distance running events at Highland Games when I was younger.
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  7. #7
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    Panache remembers well, I am writing a "How to get started" guide but it's stalled a bit due to being busy.

    Basically, as has already been said dont confuse strength with technique. Given that the first time you compete you wont have either, dont be disappointed if you dont do well. Few people ever do on their first try at anything.

    Do try to find some local throwers and practice with them. Also, Youtube is a great resource when it comes to watching technique. Go to Youtube and search "highland games" or the names of the events and you might even find some videos of me competing.

    Also sign up in the Novice or C class athlete if you can at first. Most games have a sort of introductory or beginner level competition to try. The events are all the same but you will use smaller cabers and compete with athletes more in your skill range.

    Most importantly, just have fun. So what if you don't do well. It's a day in the sun and fresh clean air, wearing a kilt, surrounded by fellow kilt wearers and admiring glances. Most dont even have the cojones to attempt the games, so you've already got them beat.

    If you have any specific questions post them here and I am sure the crowd can answer them.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaish View Post
    Panache remembers well, I am writing a "How to get started" guide but it's stalled a bit due to being busy.

    Basically, as has already been said dont confuse strength with technique. Given that the first time you compete you wont have either, dont be disappointed if you dont do well. Few people ever do on their first try at anything.

    Do try to find some local throwers and practice with them. Also, Youtube is a great resource when it comes to watching technique. Go to Youtube and search "highland games" or the names of the events and you might even find some videos of me competing.

    Also sign up in the Novice or C class athlete if you can at first. Most games have a sort of introductory or beginner level competition to try. The events are all the same but you will use smaller cabers and compete with athletes more in your skill range.

    Most importantly, just have fun. So what if you don't do well. It's a day in the sun and fresh clean air, wearing a kilt, surrounded by fellow kilt wearers and admiring glances. Most dont even have the cojones to attempt the games, so you've already got them beat.

    If you have any specific questions post them here and I am sure the crowd can answer them.
    thanks a bunch. Let me know if you ever get that information published! I'll let you know how it goes!

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